A road

You should ask the person he responded to.

He was responding to this.

The thing some people might not get is yes it looks very good compared to 3.0 so you think your computers won’t run it but compare it to other games like pubg and arma 3 and dayz this is very low quality. I mean just compare the players one is made of 10 pixels the other took 2 years to design cough cough Dayz. If you worried about it not being able to run anymore because it’s turning into a high-quality game don’t be. It has a special touch that makes it look very cool and realistic but not super complicated its pretty simple actually.

Its a gaming joke. Whenever a new computer comes out people are always like, “can it run crysis” because Crysis was a very hard game to run.

Edit: are*


There is calculs if you want :

80 mph = 128kmh
80 kmh = 50mph

Personaly I think It’s km/h

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hell yeah, Nelson you LEGEND

will look scarier at night ho ho ho

First updates = Rust + Minecraft
Now = wha…??
I mean thats not unturned. Its very very huge change of unturned and I think unturned is gonna be require 64 bit
and great computer.
Well. I think we can see 4.0 full relase at 2019!

I hate to be that guy, but



Maybe you should walk the plank for saying that


You don’t mean…

reading AJ’s post history?!


Technically speaking, Nelson’s doing his best to make sure even toasters will get playable FPS in 4.x.


Technically, but not in the sense that actual toasters can. People that have the recommend system requirements for Unturned 3 will most likely see increases in performance. Those who are still using ancient hardware and struggling to play Unturned 3 will likely see very little difference, if not a performance dip.

I’m hoping the “minimum” system requirements for Unturned 3 can at least play the game to its fullest, but I wouldn’t guarantee anything below the “recommended” specs.

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Trump builds wall, Nelson builds road
Everytime I said
Nelson is very guud DEV
And now we got roads


-LoL I didnt make very good. But… Thats okay.

Not really worth using that “joke” that late tbh

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Love the new looks. Much better than 3.0 graphics. Keep up the great work Nelson! :+1:

Yeah, the “new” looks…

more like 5 month old looks

4.0 probably looks even more different than this screenshot now.

Time to push this into the 100 posts category and say it’s time for this post to rest.

It achieved its life goals, now let it die.