Advanced biological warfare?

I would definitely like to see some new forms of biological warfare added to Unturned 4.0 such as…

*Knives you had recently killed zombies with would be contaminated and whenever you hit a player with a contaminated weapon it does damage to both health and immunity. However knives can be washed off in a source of water.

*bullets can be rubbed in the blood of a zombie and make them contaminated. When you shoot at someone using that magazine that has been rubbed in the blood, it will damage both health and immunity

*Possibly a zombie blood/acid bomb? Does basically what happens when acid shoots at you from a acid zombie, except either with blood and has an explosion effect. Crafted with possibly a grenade and acid/blood gathered from a zombie?

*Poisoned wells: Can dump zombie blood or acid inside a well, would not appear contaminated until a player had ingested it, dealing damage to their immunity

and possibly a skill added that you must max out before you can craft some of these things.

Curious to see the community’s stance on this, Cheers~


hmm interesting

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The knife part is… Actually I kinda like it.

But the bullet part is going to be confusing. As in, what? you have to use a sharp-melee to exposed the blood, then you have to dip all your bullets in the carcass, and take it? (I also recommended that it would only lasted like. What? 10 minutes until the blood’s dried?)

The well part is useless because why would you drink from a well, when you can find bottled water and juices.
(However, you could also poisoned those as-well, in which I’d be fine with) But I think that it’s would be too OP. Or abusive.

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irl you cannot dip bullets in poison as gunfire inside barrel will burn it away

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Or more likely, it will jam the feeding system of the gun.


Regular acid bombs made from industrial sort of chemicals would make some more sense.

If it’s doable for wells, then it should be for rivers, lakes and barely any source of water, which would seem OP and very exploitable, as realism-wise, there are so many other ways of polluting water sources, so I guess it’s time for the well known phrase:

“Realism for the sake of realism is bad”

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It would also screw over everyone instantly.

anyway terrain manipulations would be fine but poisoning everything will lead to killbox spawns

Poisoning knives and arrows would be neat. Could probably also make it so you could put nasty stuff in bottles or canteens to poison people and mess with your friends

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maybe as a mod, but I cant’ say I’d want this as a core mechanic.

More like 30 seconds

A creative, original, and actually feasible/viable addition to gameplay.

Nice work!

I really like the part about melee weapons being infected and having to wash them, that actually happens in several movies/series with zombies, that could apply to arrows/bolts aswell. That would make players use more makeshift weapons rather than always guns.

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Knives and arrows dipped in Turned blood are a neat and interesting addition to gameplay,but in my opinion,we should just stick with that and be fine with it,some of the other suggestions are either unrealistic (Bullets with Turned blood on them) or EXTREMELY exploitable and game-breaking (Polluted wells).

This could be a throwable that causes damage trough extreme infection.
It would basically kill (or turn) the victim via infecting it with the Turned…virus I guess? at a rapid rate.

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Why would anyone ever rinse off their knife? It’s not like you need a clean blade for personal first aid care, or eating.

There is no danger for anyone but who I stab/slash, I’m not great at PvP, but I’ve never accidentally stabbed myself.

A limited duration or number of uses makes more sense; Of course one only has to stab another turned to reset the countdown.

Another alternative is to make dirty knives decrease in quality so long as they are covered with blood or similar whether or not they are being used, due to corrosion.


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