An idea to help reduce KOSing

I’m not sure why people think putting a price tag would reduce KOS. It would get rid of some of the toxic kiddies or hackers but I’m still gonna snipe people across the map regardless of whether I payed for it or not.

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No, I disagree completely, KOS’ing is not a problem with people, it is a problem with the game, Survival games encourage KOS with how their loot systems work. There’s nothing wrong with someone’s brain if when they see someone all they see is a walking loot pile, Because in survival games ESPECIALLY Unturned players are walking loot piles. If you want to limit KOS or get rid of it there has to be some reward for not just shooting someone, that is better than the reward I would get from shooting them. As @Llamaturkey101 said, adding a price tag would not reduce KOS, it’s not the people playing, its how the people playing are made to think. If me shooting someone on sight grants me a reward, (even if its just peace of mind) why shouldn’t I kill them? The goal of a survival game is to SURVIVE and if shooting some random kid with a cobra helps then I’m gonna do it.

KOS is 100% a game design issue not a playerbase issue.

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Yeah but you don’t want to play nice, others might, there may be no advantage for killing someone fully expect wasting ammo. Skills could be do loss ( I hope)

How would this reduce kosing?

My culture has been ruined

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