I need help getting the game up

I’ve been trying to get the game to start but its not working; I’ve left it on over night restarted my computer and even uninstalled and reinstalled it, I don’t know what else to do if anyone knows how to fix this I’d love to know it.

It’s okay, every guy has trouble getting it up sometimes./s

In all seriousness, post your specs.

OK I’m using a Dell windows vista computer… does that help?

Thats the problem. You’re running windows vista, and you need at least windows 7 to run Unturned.

well Crap i dont even know how to update this old thing …

It would also be helpful if you could find your specs.
for example: RAM, CPU, etc.

i still dont know how to find that and ive been using this thing for a while

welp thx for the help i guess now i gotta upgrade

Seriously. Steam support is ending for it. If you don’t, you cannot play Steam games at all.