Martial Arts

¿Podría alguien parafrasear esto en diferentes palabras o traducirlo al español? Ya no entiendo lo que está pasando.

Cuando dije “this” referí al comentario de AtomSplinter. :laughing:

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were changing language? i could do the same

Jungs, worüber streiten wir uns?

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Come sce desce stay on topic

Restez dans le sujet de ce topic svp et parlez anglais pour le confort de tous

Stay in the topic subject please and speak English for everyone convenience

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You didn’t include Wushu at all. I’m offended.
Wushu could branch into multiple categories, including weapon specific and unarmed combat variations in the various styles, such as Shaolin and Wing Chun.
One of the possible buffs is weapon proficiency, especially with Shaolin-specific weaponry such as the rope dart, hook sword, dagger-axe, jian, and spear.

On the other hand, judo and aikido could also be valuable martial arts, as these focus on flexibility, escaping holds and long, sweeping attacks to unbalance enemies as opposed to striking.

What @anon67155151 and @THEMAX94120 said.

Dear Harvest
  • Deja el ego
  • Deja de desviar el tema
  • Mantén el idioma común preestablecido
  • En el futuro corrige sólo aquellas faltas que se presten para confusiones, malinterpretaciones u ofensas.

No pretendo evaluar el nivel catedrático y lingüístico de nadie acá, así que ten algo de empatía, ¿Estamos?

@RedCo gotta love aikido and judo suggestions.

Speed reply: How exactly would you do holds without QTEs? Would you just ragdoll both players for a few seconds? Because thats kind of useless, and would be op if you ragdoll the opponent. for too long. This was the main barrier preventng any kind of wrestling arts

Also I didnt really want to add any weapon techniques that are too abstract because what are the odds of you actually finding a rope dart or jian anywhere other than rural asia or asia centric museums. It would be interesting as a map specific art though.

all i got from this was ego and tema.

Which i conclude translated to be “ego” and “Temmie”

That was what I was afraid of.

Also, rope darts aren’t that hard to make.
Image result for rope dart


Apologize now


All I did was ask someone to send me a translation, because I still don’t understand why you became angry to me, (atleast, I think you became angry)

I did not ask for the shitposting that followed.

I only corrected KingFrog/myself because it was a misinterpretation that I wanted my own reply translated for me.

If this was either a real bad attempt to meme or a sarcastical despective answer, the intention ends being the same: f*cking around. All of it after a very subtle, fair and extremely necessary correction, then it results that I’ve started the shitpost.

It was neither. I still cannot parse what either of your first two replies to me meant. When I asked for clarification people just started shitposting and blaming me for all the shitposting.

maybe just have skills that allow you to kick harder/punch harder and maybe once you max it a special move that allows to detain/headlock people idk

(uhh 10 chars)


Whats the lesson we’ve learned today?

Never look like an asshole with your sword
Especially with girls, cause even if it long, big and-

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maybe there should be a skill where you run like naruto and you go real fast as well

I like it , different ways to run would be pretty cool .