Memes (no smoke they are just memes, daily post)

I dare you to put sub to PewDiePie on ur roblix account.

I have to agree with pesky here. If you have nothing to contribute about 3rd person instead of making shitty, low effort “THIRD PERSON IS BAD LOLOLO !!!” memes in paint, then you should stop and either;

  • Actually make a suggestion regarding it’s current state, why is it bad, and suggest a possible fix


  • Quit making shitty memes about third person, like it wasn’t funny from the start man

and if you answer with “if you don’t like it don’t read it”, that just shows how ignorant you are regarding the situation.


you just described your memes


Yknow, it’s ok to post meme topics, but when it’s the same shitty meme over and over again it’s dumb. Also everything that flodo said.


again, just stop posting this stuff, no one finds it funny, people get that 3rd person is broken, but you dont have to make shitty memes about it every damn day.


I was able to mathematically prove that 3rd person reduces the recoil you experience. This is caused by the perfect parallax accountability. When shooting a wall, zombie, whatever (i would recommend you test this on a wall though as the zombie may die). Stand a short distance away from the object (not touching) and aim at a particular point. Then fire multiple shots into the wall. Repeat this process but in 3rd person, insuring you do not compensate for recoil in either attempt and that you aim at the same initial starting spot. Also make sure to fire the same number of bullets. You will notice the bullet holes are in the same location, so they must be the same recoil right? Wrong. Whilst this may seem true it is actually not. When you are in third person lets say the camera is 1 meter behind you. Lets also say the wall is 1 meter in front of your character and your view in 1st person. Lets say the recoil takes you up 1 meter up the wall. In the example where you aim in 1st person your view jumps 45 degrees (1/1) but in 3rd person your view jumps a mere 30 degrees (1/2). there, proven


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make the camera move closer to the character when near a wall to prevent peeking around it. Make it so you cant aim for free zoom in third person (mabye forces you back into 1st person?)

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thankyou daddy

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