Player object colision

if you imagine a player collision area with everything without textures, models and etc it will be in most games a simple cylinder or a parallelepiped.
lets shorten area of colision from stomach to spine so that a player could fit in tight spaces by going sideways when in most games character that can seemingly fit lets say in a gap between buildings or fences but won’t go through if it is not a special preplaced something even with your shouting “YOU FAT FCUK YOU CAN TOTALY FIT THERE”.


…what did I just read?

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He’s complaining about you not being able to go through things that look like you should be able to go through.



Yeah sure, I guess.

Unrelated, but TABG has constant ragdoll physics which actually allows you to fit into insanely small spaces, and it’s rather hilarious.


I, too, support being a cat in terms of fitting in spaces.

Hitboxes are supposedly more accurate already, so hopefully your… “wish” is fulfilled.


I like this idea. opens a dryer and crawls in, holding myself in a fetal position They’ll never find me here.

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inb4 player taking off all their clothes and using bathtubs to take a bath

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(10 char bump)

Reasons why the Huntsman is broken


Uses washing machine to take a bath and wash clothes at the same time

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IQ 9000 plays

replaces wheels on APC vehicle with washing machine tubs to drive, wash self and clothes, and transport loot through the ocean

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what is “Huntsman”?


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Tbh having a similar system to TABG(albeit toned down) would be pretty cool. It could make players use their environment more dynamically and help bringing in a new aspect of weapon encumbrance in CQB, where short SMG’s wouldn’t snag as much on walls than Assault rifles or LMG’s.

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The Huntsman is a bow from Team Fortress 2 which many people think is overpowered. Reason being, it’s hit registration using the characters collision box instead of the bullet hitbox. (the same thing with rockets and pills i think). Since all of the classes collision boxs are the same, you could shoot over the head of a scout, and still kill him.

same can go with backpacks

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