Themed Ambient music

music really doesn’t work well with unturned

like really doesn’t work at all, i’d rather be listening to my gunshots than music when there’s a horde at my base

i think it should play if you’re idle, or don’t touch the keys/mouse for like 1 minute

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Side note: I vote @GreatHeroJ for making any music for it. His music is fabulous.

All in favor, say aye.

  • Aye
  • Nae
  • GHJ makes music?

0 voters

He also makes clothing mods, apparently

For once I thought everyone would agree with me.

I was wrong.

GHJ doesn’t make music, all he does is merely edit songs made in a music generator he found online, which is also why none of his songs really have any soul.


Not only is this correct, but tbh I’d much rather be known for my pixel art that I’m actually decent at than for my crude-ass EDM mixes

also, Nelson only hires local and I’m in the next province over

OOF. Well then, guess my life is a lie. You all are free to shame me now.

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