UK Map Sneak Preview

Hello there!

My name is Romelete, and I’ve been working on an insane sized UK map for about a year now.
I’ve been posting many pictures of the map on the steam artwork section, but I have not yet posted them on the forums. I felt that I should post them here in order to give more people a sense of the map, and how it flows and such.

  1. London Underground, London

In this picture you can see several new custom assets, such as the Tube Train, the Subway itself, and the London Underground symbol decal.

in this picture you can see an abandoned station, which is considerably larger than the first station. you can also see that this station is a bit more worse for wear.

  1. Trafalgar Square, London

in this image you can see Trafalgar Square, as well as the Houses of Parliament. Both of these are custom objects.

  1. Thames Estuary, London

in this image you can see the general area around the opening to the Thames River in London. in the background you can see London, as well as Tower Bridge.

  1. Sheffield, South Yorkshire

in this picture you can see several new assets, such as telephone boxes, two new fence types, a pub, a new cobblestone floor, and a house. you can also see how the roads in UK are going to be set up, similarly to how the Greek roads are made, but with a British style of course.

  1. Hull, East Yorkshire

in this image you can see the new seawall assets, which are completely modular. This image also shows the general atmosphere of the coast in the UK map.

  1. Uruqhart Castle, Scotland

this picture shows the Modular Castle pieces that I made, as well as the snowy atmosphere of Scotland.

Well that’s all for this time, I hope to be doing more of these in the future, so stay tuned!


that’s hot

this man has BIGGEST PP and also is cool for making objects for utah

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That looks amazing! I can’t wait to play

It’s the coolest map in the most 10/10 location. Who could say no to Britain? Can’t wait for the release!!

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Honestly the best part of UK is your dedication for sure.
also r u adding sealand lol11111 /s

good job though, can’t wait to play

Awesome man, I really like the subway.

Thanks guys, I don’t know how to reply to you all, but really, thank you! it means the world to me.

Should have Nelson’s character on top of Trafalgar Square :wink:


Telephone text parts of the telephone booths need cleaning up. Looks like some spill-out on the side faces.

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Thanks for bringing that to my attention, I didn’t notice. I’ll fix that!

Can the telephone booths be opened like furniture?

unfortunately, no, they cannot.

Are there plans for open and closed versions like how fridges used to be? (Idk why I want to go in them so much)

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not at the moment

pretty nice man, did you make your own lights or use a mod from the workshop?

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thanks, the lights in which picture?

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1st one, if you did, could you upload them as a mod? Ive been dying to have proper lights for map making. specially when im going to make a version of a map im working on set only a few days/hours after the outbreak

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unfortunately, those are lights that are already in the game, just turned on. I do have plans for implementing lights that are always on however. Thanks for your feedback!


also, heres a tip, if you make it so people can subscribe tot he map, never be subscribed to it and try to update it at the same time. This isnt the first time I’ve tried making an unturned map I was making another map before and well… I was updating it to the newest version, where I only had one city left to do in the entire map and well… It became corrupted. But at least I’ve gotten more experience from making the map, SO yeah :)… ugh it was terrible to lose all of that, Id been working on since early 3.0 when it became corrupted.

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