So, Ive been on the forum for one year. YAY
310 days visited,
9 days read time,
3,2k topics viewed
36.4k posts read.
1.5k likes given
146 topics created
2.8k posts created
1.1k likes recieved.
Thats one year of people disliking me. Lets make that another year.
Right? Light? Sight? what is this man saying
230 other people have been here for a year and none of them felt the need to make a post like this
Yes, but I felt like doing it, so yeah. Deal with it. Also, how many of those people are inactive? :3
Thats pretty impressive. Shows dedication. Also no one dislikes you! only some of the silly stuff you say
1 Like
you sure about that? XD
Ask some random people their thoughts on me XD
You had to have been active to get the badge.
ahem it says you have to have been active at least 1 day in a year.
Edit, 1 post a year.