A Error or a message

Ok so I was on my LAN server that I made from scratch a long time ago I this error thought nothing of it and yea but it kept popping up and it was so annoying so I seek the forum for help on this problem.
This is the message I got can you help on what i could do.
ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary. - System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Type].Add (System.String key, System.Type value)
SDG.Unturned.TypeRegistryDictionary.addType (System.String key, System.Type value)
SDG.Unturned.UnturnedNexus.initialize ()
SDG.Framework.Modules.Module.initialize ()

ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary. - System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Type,SDG.Framework.IO.FormattedFiles.IFormattedTypeReader].Add (System.Type key, IFormattedTypeReader value)
SDG.Framework.IO.FormattedFiles.KeyValueTables.KeyValueTableTypeReaderRegistry.add (System.Type type, IFormattedTypeReader reader)
SDG.Framework.IO.FormattedFiles.KeyValueTables.KeyValueTableTypeReaderRegistry.add[Boolean] (IFormattedTypeReader reader)
SDG.Framework.IO.IONexus.initialize ()
SDG.Framework.Modules.Module.initialize ()

ArgumentException: element already exists - System.Collections.Generic.SortedList2[System.String,SDG.Framework.Debug.TerminalCommand].PutImpl (System.String key, SDG.Framework.Debug.TerminalCommand value, Boolean overwrite) System.Collections.Generic.SortedList2[System.String,SDG.Framework.Debug.TerminalCommand].Add (System.String key, SDG.Framework.Debug.TerminalCommand value)
SDG.Framework.Debug.Terminal.registerCommand (SDG.Framework.Debug.TerminalCommand command)
SDG.Framework.Debug.TerminalCommandAttributeFinder.analyze (System.Type types)
SDG.Framework.Debug.TerminalCommandAttributeFinder.initialize ()
SDG.Framework.Debug.TerminalNexus.initialize ()
SDG.Framework.Modules.Module.initialize ()

From what I can tell with my limited expertise of code, you probably set up the server wrong, and stuff is conflicting instead of working together.

I mean its function as well but I think this type of error is trying to tell me something. Or it a bug nelson need to check this maybe this type of code could be a malware or bug that enter somehow. It could infect some server if not all but that my theory even if it not true let find out just in case but that my theory or maybe it because the server is confused between the game and the actual server. And therefore it makes this saying that the elements are the same. Now when I said it might have malware it does not mean I have it. It has to someone else is doing but it has to most likely a bug, not some malware it has to be a bug. Or it may ethernet am using but it says the elements are the same or existed, therefore, it cannot be ethernet am not sure so I need your help.

Did you use a YouTube video? A lot of those may be outdated.

I mean i have done before and all of the information came from youtube and i swear it was a 3.0 video not 2.0 i know what 2.0 look like apart from 3.0 so no i did not do 2.0 process while i forgot mention i only know how to do 3.0 but not by heart tho.

It doesn’t matter, sometimes the 3.0 servers are outdated from older updates and work differently. I found this out when I tried to make a server and found 20 videos for some older update of 3.0 that didn’t work.

So is there a video that is not outdated

youtubers release new tutorials every few months, I bet with very little searching you could find a recent one.
honestly, you could probably watch a video from a year and a half ago and it would still work, as making servers has hardly changed throughout 3.0’s lifespan.

You can alternatively just use a written guide.

There are videos not outdated, here is one that works (not what i used but still is good)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzrn1_487Sg (melikebigboom)

I use this method for the server so this method is not outdated

It just maybe a bug.

From my coding class experience (this past school year), I would make the inference that something is being repeated that shouldn’t be. An easy fix to this is just to redo it, it doesn’t take that long to set a lan server up.

Apologies for the delay. My guess is that the Unturned and Framework modules weren’t automatically deleted properly while downloading the most recent update, in which case you can manually delete them from the Modules folder. (If you’re still having this problem)


You can take the assistance of https://errorcode0x.com/resolve-steam-error-code-80/ to troubleshoot errors and save your valuable time.