A Forum Experiment (How could it hurt?)




This is a forum. The likes are necessary.

The dislike feature just promotes witch-hunting and brigades. We see this all over Reddit, on any post, especially ones that may be slightly controversial or taboo.

I would be inactive for two entire weeks. That isn’t positive when you drive away people.

Tests take a long, long time to be conducted to yield good results. The United States was considered a “great experiment” by it’s founders, and didn’t become anything good and stable until well after the civil war.

It already is :white_circle::sweat_drops:, in certain times at certain aspects.

This is also a gigantic problem. A dislike button does not convey what in specific is wrong about the post. Its just a quick way to shit on someone’s thoughts, point of view, or feelings.

And I 100% agree.

Then nobody would downvote, or leave shitty comments that have little meaning.

In the RA we had a voting system for a while, and everyone who were the ones creating the votes that got downvoted and denied were upset because they simply weren’t receiving any feedback on whats wrong. I tried to create a vote that would force people to explain why they are :+1: or :-1: and everyone disliked that.

In real life, its evident that in more sophisticated systems such as congress, lawmakers must actually talk to each-other about why their ideas are bad, not just vote to reject them.

But who’s the top 12? :eyes:

All in all its a crappy idea. I know a popular Youtuber made a long video about why Dislikes are essential. However, his video is more tuned towards YouTube, not forums. And his two biggest arguments are that

  • Dislikes = Controversy or you fucked up
  • Hate culture and dislike mobs dont exist in the severity you think they do

Both of which is more tuned to Youtube and, in my book, are evidently wrong.

Political Opinion Time. No clicky if you stinky.

Liberals and so on want to help people transform their content that they love producing into content that the markets or state will buy. I do not want to bow down to this system of markets, so to say, on this forum with the addition of dislikes.

I want to post what I want to create, so long as I personally find it meaningful to Unturned or the discussion at hand, without the limit that people may possibly downvote me into oblivion. I shouldn’t be punished for generating content I like generating, and at the very least, it simply shouldn’t become popular if the community doesn’t like it (IE, give it tons of likes)

Ontop of that, I am almost certain I’ve seen this forum setup at other places such as https://community.brave.com/ and am assuming its a generic forum website. It probably doesn’t even have the ability for dislikes.

Add a dislike button so I can upvote shitposts and dislike everything else.


I support the idea of comments having a new mechanic that lets the writer signal if his comment is against, in favour or neutral to the post.

This way, you could have a new metric next to the heart icon that registers how the community is reacting to the post, without having to read through all of them.


This forces the reader to comment an explanation incase of not liking suggestions, instead of dropping a dislike and fleeing immediately.


okay why does the left side not have anything but the right side does.
Either way decent idea, could work

Triple bar icon, and then click on users to see leaderboards.