A interesting improvised weapon (You need see that)

  • Add improvised cannon

Basically cannons with high damage (Maybe in area), a shameful fire rate with manual loading, hard to manoeuver and average precision with the capacity of drop projectiles at a good distance.

This shit was made with 2 metal pipes, a system of damping using latex tubes and a wood base!!

image this is all.


the fuck does this mean
is this ammo or part of the cannon

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Not everything simple and possible should be added you know.

“canhão muito potente caseiro”

bro what the fuck do you mean homemade cannons

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This suggestion is random and useless
Why would we want a canon that can’t be aimed and does little to no damage

It is even more useless than a potato gun

potato gun can be very dnagerous and useful belive me .!!!


reminds me


I feel like I made a post about turrets and auto guns

i would rather have a slamfire shotgun

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