A post about Triggers (again) , but this is for feedback

A few days ago I made a post questioning why guns have no more triggers, Nelson got into it, he said he thought the old thiggers looked fragile and small compared to the hands of the new character, but he said he was curious to see feedback about it and maybe the triggers should come back, but maybe not triggers in itself, or maybe the triggers just need to get thicker and longer.

so please give your feedback on this, and give your reasons some have already done this in the previous post but not enough to have an estimate.

My feedback:In my opinion the triggers should turn thicker, they would be a detail that would make a greater lack in pistols, since they do not have as many details as rifles or assault rifles, it does not have the notches, ejection bar and etc that the eagle fire, see a comparation.

151px-Cobra_model teee

151px-Cobra_model%20c%C3%B3pia teee

Some may say ‘’ it’s almost imperceptible ‘’ but are not these miniscule details that make the game more incredible? But it’s also a detail for other players to realize too, like a skin in 3.0, it’s something detailed and cool that you almost does not see in the meantime other players can perceive, it would also be nice to see vigilant machine squeezing the trigger to shoot in intruders, and also the hand guard and the trigger are part of the design of many guns.


fixed that post title for you before the entire community could destroy you


@RainOfPain125 Triggers is correct

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I maintain my stance of support on trigger guards and triggers.

Also I’m not sure why you posted 4 pictures of the U3 and UII Cobras when only the top 2 would suffice. I do agree though, with Nelson’s sentiment that the triggers and guards should be thick enough to reflect player proportions.

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Poll time.

  • Yes triggers
  • No triggers
  • Null option

0 voters

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I personally don’t see the point of triggers since it would be concealed by the playermodel

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That’s why Nelson wants to make them thick.

If the player model is already fully concealing that area, then making them thicker wouldn’t make them any less concealed. All making them thicker does is make it look more proportional and less flimsy.


From the first person view, yes, the trigger would be out of sight, but the entire bottom of the gun is hidden from the first person view in any game, regardless of the player model. However, in Unturned II, the player’s hand doesn’t cover the area where the trigger would be, in fact it doesn’t even cover the front of the grip. (Although the player also impales himself with the buttstock, so this pose for the Eaglefire is likely to change.) I really don’t understand why people keep saying that “the trigger would be covered up by the player model” when (a) the trigger would obviously be hidden from the first person view regardless, (b) in the views where the trigger area would be visible the player model isn’t in the way, and (c) having a trigger that is covered up would look way better than having a trigger that either isn’t pulled or is somehow pulled without being touched. I also don’t understand why Anon has opened 3 threads about triggers in 10 days, for people to keep saying that in.

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But we don’t have fingers to begin with…

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The first post was hardly noticed, the second did not have enough feedback for Nelson to have a sense of how much the community wants the triggers or not, this post is going well, although I want more people to give their opinion here.

I think it’s definitely a great idea.
I guess they would not pretty much delay modeling the weapons and would leave the game richer in detail so I think that’s a great idea.

don’t null opinions just count as abstaining

The null option in polls are for people who inadvertently vote, since there’s no way to revoke your vote from a poll completely, only to switch choices.

That being said, the null option has become a bit of a meme around here and any poll that doesn’t have null option is heresy

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I only started including them in my polls once I noticed others such as GHJ and Molt including it, as it makes sense to include a way to remove your vote.

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