A Post Tracking Every Single One Of MoltonMontro's Posts from June 16th to July 16th (2018)

Is this the expiry date of MouldyMontro

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Yeah his wings expire then, so he has to buy more :stuck_out_tongue:
.Also, the forum is telling me that I’ve posted more than. 20% of posts here… That’s disturbing

Big fan I presume

A) I seriously doubt the forum actually told you this, I’d like to see proof
B) you make a lot of unnecessary posts so it evens out

Brutal honesty? Absolutely

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Nelson’s post is 100 times more in value, so technically Nelson wins


The forum does tell people this, and Aj most definitely had over 20% of the posts at the time.




Today is the day.


can this continue until molton is admin?

no. to much effort, maybe I will make another post sometime later.

He is an admin now.

The thread is finnaly done, I know I’m late by a day, but it dosen’t matter anymore.
Maybe I will do something like this again, I don’t know. But for now, it’s time to put this post to rest.

No, it needs to become another chain game thread

beeb i don’t have time for that

maybe I will open another one later

Thats my birthday

Image result for Farmer farming his crops
Image result for Farmer farming his crops


Poll to ban pesky.

  • Ban plz
  • Dun ban

0 voters

no no no wait wait i was just trollin alright?

we don’t have to move to more militaristic options now do we?

We’ve had our good times right? no need for a ban

The forum army has had enough of your insubordination. This was your last chance.