A Post Tracking Every Single One Of MoltonMontro's Posts from June 16th to July 16th (2018)

Big fan I presume

A) I seriously doubt the forum actually told you this, I’d like to see proof
B) you make a lot of unnecessary posts so it evens out

Brutal honesty? Absolutely

1 Like

Nelson’s post is 100 times more in value, so technically Nelson wins


The forum does tell people this, and Aj most definitely had over 20% of the posts at the time.




Today is the day.


can this continue until molton is admin?

no. to much effort, maybe I will make another post sometime later.

He is an admin now.

The thread is finnaly done, I know I’m late by a day, but it dosen’t matter anymore.
Maybe I will do something like this again, I don’t know. But for now, it’s time to put this post to rest.

No, it needs to become another chain game thread

beeb i don’t have time for that

maybe I will open another one later

Thats my birthday

Image result for Farmer farming his crops
Image result for Farmer farming his crops


Poll to ban pesky.

  • Ban plz
  • Dun ban

0 voters

no no no wait wait i was just trollin alright?

we don’t have to move to more militaristic options now do we?

We’ve had our good times right? no need for a ban

The forum army has had enough of your insubordination. This was your last chance.

When was the last time i necroposted. Like 2 months ago. plus, i’m not trying to seem rude here, but people could just ignore this topic and its recent comments altogether right?

so, lets stop posting here, nobody gets mad, and we ignore all this happend

Who died and put you of all people in charge?