A simple Question about Skins

I know everyone in here hate the system of skins in unturned 3.0 and i know nelson tells " Unturned II without skins"

But most part of a profit of a game free to play come or of Skins or systems P2W (Or expansions than i really rate) my question is if unturned II have skins but that do not impeach you of see the true item behind the skin like in games like CS:GO, Rust, Rainbow6.

Than a AWP with skins are very visible its a awp, or a jacket obvious its a jacket.

if add system of skins with this style you really see problem in add skins in unturned II?

    • Yes, I see problem because…
    • maybe if…
    • No, I dont see problem.

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I don’t really understand what you’re trying to get across here. If English isn’t your first language, you could type it out in your native language and someone on the forum is bound to understand it.


Cosmetic variation was already implemented before Devlog #5.

Most of the games revenue is probably going to come from the Unturned II’s version of gold because it gives players access to official gold only servers.

I’m all for skins in arena/BR mode, but not in the survival part of the game

I would prefer if skins were limited to a small amount of sprays that you can find while looting. They would only include the camo skins we have currently (woodland, desert, arctic, etc.)

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Please note Unturned 3.x will stay up as a separate game and skins and such will stay in circulation and Nelson will still be getting income. Skins are immersion breaking and have no place in UII.

That said, this:

…would work well and i can both see it happening and the future and look forward to it.

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I’ve said it in the past, so I’ll say it again.

I’m okay with skins only when they don’t break immersion.


TF2 is a great example of this! They for sure took it too far.

This probably spoils the immersion in the game, and then Nelson is not developing the game for profit, there is no reason for it to be added in the game, maybe Nelson changes his mind about it, but the different color textures for different items like the new Molle Backpack) are already being implemented in the game, in addition to the painting system on items, if the skins were added a good part of this would be the work thrown away (although the examples quoted are only about clothes).

Cosmetics are part of what make tf2 so much fun.

I never said otherwise?

Yes, this would work. I suggest that we possibly expand the horizon of skins, however just to the point where every skin that currently exists looks like a type of paint or spray that you’d normally see on a gun. Things like camo, maybe cosmetic-type skins like the Canyon Arena Maplestrike (Looks like it adds wooden segments, cool) and such. Things like Nuclear and Lavaflow (Although I do think those look quite neat) aren’t exactly necessary and takes away from the true gameplay.

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