A tactical watch

Yes, but automatic rocket launchers and self-aiming sniper rifles also exist in real life. Just because something exists in real life and is easy to come by doesn’t mean it isn’t OP in a survival game.

It’s complicated because it has a flashlight on it and other stuff that normally requires a few items.

can i fit 6 rocks into it that would give me powers that would destroy half of humanity?

Could you make an alarm clock a throwable projectile item? I think that would be a tad interesting… But then it’d basically be a smoke. Ideas…

C4 Charge-esqe item that uses detonator
Throwable alarm clock, acts like smoke grenade
Plantable clock or item that is set off after a certain amount of time
A magazine full of miniature alarm clocks?? (Whatever works :griefer:)
A reactive, plantable thing that activates when someone steps into the radius

More could come, not sure lol

No. No you cant

You aren’t going to over power anyone with a watch…

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