A Wishlist of an unturned enthusiast

We need:

  • makeshift flashlight, because if u can tape a binocular to a gun u can do it with a flashlight.
  • containers of specific cargo, like chestrigs for mags only, or tactical belt with bound quickbinds ( i mean 3,4,5…u know it)
  • backpacks/crates that are keeping their inventory on dropping
  • advanced makeshifting with tools reqairing(for example a chairs recipe: saw+hammer+nails+wood)
  • quickly accessable car trunks even from outside if not locked
  • car tuning and repairing, including taking parts off like doors for better speed/controll. AND stuff breaking down in use(rarely, depending on car) also wheel types for different terrain, and car performing pourly and breaking down on non proper use
  • dedicated space for a spare wheel in cars, like in real life
  • wildlife from birds and bugs to tameable ones, like dogs
  • specific clothes, like knuckledusters for hand combat
  • clothes with stats or skill raising ability (like a scarf is protecting u from cold, and tactical gloves gives u better dexterity
    -more food making recipes, eventough we had a lot in 3.0 AND including the need of tools, like knifes pans, and various heatsources
  • throwable knifes(maybe…)
  • growing hair, that needs to be cut down
    -solar panels(of course they need to be rare) for alternative energy, and placeable electricity storage racks in them u can put batteries
    -built in ladders for boats
  • machineguns able to be placed down on tripods to be ready to ambush, needing a player to operate it
    -mounts to allow small scopes on pistols
  • wider variety of pump action shotguns with cancellable reload( so u can load in just one and shoot because u have to shoot
    -autoreload skill: if u are not shooting once the character automatically reolads, and when upgraded, when the mag goes empty u dont have to shoot once, it automagically reloads
    -saving gun attachment presets, so if u spawn in a gun, it already has those attachments and it could be also that, when u find one those attachments, it automatically goes on the gun.
    -somehow grabbing out mags from guns on the ground, or something like that
    -changing environment and seasons and a calendar to track it.
    -radios with radius and energy need, scouting radios that are placeable, with them u can listen to all frequency in a short range.
    -making radiotowers working to make the radius of your device bigger and wider in frequency
  • radar trackers and jammers
    -bulldoser with destroying capability trucks with massive cargo and the cargo space filling props when u load it
    -cars must need oil and water
    -more methods to purify water and more water levels, like radiated/infected/dirty/clear/purified/mineral-grade
    -fruits and vegetables needing tools to harvest or grow
    -makeshift tool/weapon/device making(obviously with bad durabilty)

I will write here more if i came up with ideas…
Hopefully some of them will be implemented, i hope Nelson sees this, and even if one of those is implemented, i know it was worth it.
Good luck making 4.0 im sure its going to be great!
P.S. : please dont mind my bad english, i never learned it…

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for one, growing hair… sorry way to realistic for unturned but the other stuff I read so far is good. Like taking off car doors, but it would be interesting if you did that for one you wouldnt be able to lock the vehicle and 2 its easier to get shot ect.

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also, maybe upgrades to vehicles, like you can use a dragonfang and some metal scrap to add a mounted gun on the back of a truck? also use metal scrap to increase the cars durability and block some windows? would look interesting…


you mean oil and fuel? I dont recall cars needing water, unless if you count that thing my grandpa rigged up to his old truck, some weird stuff with making it run on water or something @-@ ehh its been a while I might be wrong hes currently in another country.

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so basically battery chargers like in subnatica

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Some Cars need water for cooling…

Yes, but you gonna need the proper tools also.
Adding metal to cars to increase their health is good, but you would need a beefy motor fir that also…

I can guarantee 99% of things said in this thread are unnecessary and/or are too complex for 4.0.


too realistic for A GODDAMN VIDEO GAME


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Someone who has way too much time on his hands.

Never heard of a car using water for coolant. Water in the engine is a terrible thing.


Dear god, half of these are way too over the top for Unturned.

We don’t need radiated, infected, dirty, clear, purified, and mineral water all at once.


We dont need enviroment effects in a survival game? I dont want to get an another pvp game that has SOME survival, 3.0 became a pvp game but it needs to be a survival game

well… some of those would be quite interesting… Imagine you drink infected water (say you collected water nearby where a zombie was standing) it would reduce your immunity even more than dirty water. Mineral water is basically just ground water. though yeah we dont need the clear water tho. but I would prefer if this was something done by a modder so we dont have to wait too long, or maybe some would be added in the future.

Don’t need environment effects? Go tell that to a bunch of other survival games. I can name two of the top of my head that have both great survival and good environments. The Long Dark and Ark.

I am fully aware of that, but why can’t irradiated, infected, and dirty water fall under the same category?

Also there’s other stuff I haven’t pointed out, like growing hair, autoreload, radar trackers and jammers, etc which don’t belong

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