We need:
- makeshift flashlight, because if u can tape a binocular to a gun u can do it with a flashlight.
- containers of specific cargo, like chestrigs for mags only, or tactical belt with bound quickbinds ( i mean 3,4,5…u know it)
- backpacks/crates that are keeping their inventory on dropping
- advanced makeshifting with tools reqairing(for example a chairs recipe: saw+hammer+nails+wood)
- quickly accessable car trunks even from outside if not locked
- car tuning and repairing, including taking parts off like doors for better speed/controll. AND stuff breaking down in use(rarely, depending on car) also wheel types for different terrain, and car performing pourly and breaking down on non proper use
- dedicated space for a spare wheel in cars, like in real life
- wildlife from birds and bugs to tameable ones, like dogs
- specific clothes, like knuckledusters for hand combat
- clothes with stats or skill raising ability (like a scarf is protecting u from cold, and tactical gloves gives u better dexterity
-more food making recipes, eventough we had a lot in 3.0 AND including the need of tools, like knifes pans, and various heatsources - throwable knifes(maybe…)
- growing hair, that needs to be cut down
-solar panels(of course they need to be rare) for alternative energy, and placeable electricity storage racks in them u can put batteries
-built in ladders for boats - machineguns able to be placed down on tripods to be ready to ambush, needing a player to operate it
-mounts to allow small scopes on pistols - wider variety of pump action shotguns with cancellable reload( so u can load in just one and shoot because u have to shoot
-autoreload skill: if u are not shooting once the character automatically reolads, and when upgraded, when the mag goes empty u dont have to shoot once, it automagically reloads
-saving gun attachment presets, so if u spawn in a gun, it already has those attachments and it could be also that, when u find one those attachments, it automatically goes on the gun.
-somehow grabbing out mags from guns on the ground, or something like that
-changing environment and seasons and a calendar to track it.
-radios with radius and energy need, scouting radios that are placeable, with them u can listen to all frequency in a short range.
-making radiotowers working to make the radius of your device bigger and wider in frequency - radar trackers and jammers
-bulldoser with destroying capability trucks with massive cargo and the cargo space filling props when u load it
-cars must need oil and water
-more methods to purify water and more water levels, like radiated/infected/dirty/clear/purified/mineral-grade
-fruits and vegetables needing tools to harvest or grow
-makeshift tool/weapon/device making(obviously with bad durabilty)
I will write here more if i came up with ideas…
Hopefully some of them will be implemented, i hope Nelson sees this, and even if one of those is implemented, i know it was worth it.
Good luck making 4.0 im sure its going to be great!
P.S. : please dont mind my bad english, i never learned it…