Apocalyptic Ambience

Has anyone seen that video with various clips of foreboding sounds being heard through around the world? Take a look at this if you haven’t…

I bet the sounds you just heard were very unsettling wasn’t it? Can you imagine hearing stuff like this in Unturned II? I think it can add a very horrifying element to it and quite curious to see how this would play out in gameplay. Imagine: you’re out looting in the city and you hear the trumpets in the distance, or you’re exploring the caves and then what sounds like eerie wailing is the result of you getting the hell out of there! I don’t think anyone wants Unturned II to become a horror survival game but I want players to have this feeling where they think/know it’s not safe. It’s like when you hear noises when there’s really nothing there, just to throw you off and make you think twice about your expedition.


Some dynamic ambience would definitely set Unturned II to the next level.


would make for a cool easter egg

Those aren’t trumpets in the city by the way, cities actually do make sounds when the wind blows past the buildings, though you usually can’t hear it over vehicles and pedestrian noise.
But yes, ambient sounds would be awesome.

I know those aren’t trumpets, it was a common term…

Yes. All the yes.

As a dedicated S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fan I definitely want to see this in 4.0.


Yes. Bird chipping is too plain and boring. We need wind rusting the grass, leaf, building. And perhaps less bird. More windy and abandon-ness.

What makes me always come back to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is the atmosphere, that is the game’s strongest point IMHO. I hope Unturned II get’s some nice atmosphere.


i dont go play this shit no!! imagine i in a darkness tunnel and a player start shooting me… i enter in shock! (its a joke) is a good post!!

I think you already shocked a decent amount of persons here with your grammar.


Having more than just regular sounds would be great, stronger immersion and perhaps the ability to give some powerful atmosphere to specific places in the game.

It would probably be the most important thing for a survival game, an atmosphere that fit the landscapes, birds in forests, wind in mountains, waves and seagulls near water, and this apocalyptic sound in cities… maybe also a music theme while playing, I am sure there are many peoples able to create some.

Since OP only shown us a set of example of possible “ambient” (Some of it still have car and people sounds.)
So I’ll just make a poll to settle this “officially”

  • Mildly windy, wood creaking and possibly wind bell rusting. (inside town)
  • Just windy and maybe less bird chirping. (Both)
  • Windy, a little bit of leafs blowing, and wood creaking. (Inside town)
  • Quiteness. And a little bit of wind howling. (Both)
  • Grass blowing. Windy. (Wilderness)
  • Other.

0 voters

I think all thoses ambiances should depand on where you are on the map.

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I’ve wanted some creepier sounds, my idea on top of this is a light non-intrusive background music to play when it was full moon.

Additional creepy sounds can be: Wind Howelling (mountain peaks/skyscrapers), small thud (town), trash/can moving/blowing (town, storm/rain), tree creek (storm, trees), light rocks falling (mountan), water dripping (cave), plop (water), stalagmite falling and crashing (cave), crash (town, storm).

Any other ideas?

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