Are you guys left or right handed? Or maybe even Ambidextrous?

  • Left
  • Right
  • Ambidextrous

0 voters

On a side note which hand do you have set as your dominant hand in game?

  • Left
  • Right

0 voters

All left handers simply have a hook as the right hand


I’m cross-dominant, but since there is no option for it I’ll just tick in Ambi.
But I do play with left hand viewmodel.

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what the fuck is cross-dominant

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Basically I do different tasks with each hand.
Write and eat with my right hand, and throw and jack off with my left for example.


oh shit i do the same thing, I picked right because thats my writing hand.

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Right handed, but I can use my left hand for most tasks other than writing.

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No option for right foot SMH :unamused:


You monkey ?


This is true coming from a left hand man

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