Be able to shoot/melee while driving a vehicle

The new vehicle rework is impressive. However, it’s disappointing that there’s still no feature allowing players to shoot/melee while driving, such as on the dirtbike. While this might be too overpowered on vanilla maps, please consider adding a function to enable shooting while driving. This would greatly benefit modders, as it would allow them to make new vehicles or even horses (as vehicles) more functional.


maybe do it so you can aim out of the car and shoot, but the accuracy will be on the worse side (its hard to shoot guns with 1 hand), and also you can only use SMGs or pistols for drive-by`ing.


Yes, but then Nelson would need to create new animations for it. It would be sufficient if he simply added a function to enable aiming while driving.

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Good idea actually. I would like to see it in game, new animations, new mechanics and more.


This currently exists in Unturned 2 so it would be really cool to see it in unturned



It would add a whole new layer of tactical game play.

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