Better leaning

This post is about something small, but I feel like its important.

I feel like the leaning in unturned is underused, as 3rd person lets you see everything around the corner, and by leaning you are exposing half of your body. I feel like leaning should expose less of your body than it does now, as well as not shifting the camera a lot making it very overpowered around corners.

Edit: There would also be a blur when aiming in 3rd person (like in PUBG) to make it less overpowered.

This problem only applies to third person - I think Nelson has it covered

Maybe something like this? Just look at how Thief 2014 handles it.

Add a gun and it’s :ok_hand:

oh and btw check Thief 2014 out, it’s an old but cool game.

Yea, I totally agree with you. That leaning is amazing.

Ok, thanks for the info :smiley:

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