Blur while shooting

Why? What would this bring to the game other than annoyance?



But I don’t think this feature is necessary because it’s just annoying and doesn’t really add anything useful.


i dont like it

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just aesthetically pleasing, you can turn it on/off in the settings

But then almost everyone would turn it off and then It’s almost useless.


Do you have an example of another game that does this?


All this would really do is make the game look worse & give players that use it a disadvantage in combat. It’s a waste of time and no one in their right mind would use it.


Its called muzzle flash buddy.

Muzzle flashes aren’t the same as Blur.
This is a Muzzle Flash.

This is what he’s suggesting


Above is not radial blur, but IMO circular blur or lens blur would be far less obnoxious than either radial blur or whatever you call that shit Spebby just posted anyways. It could be a somewhat “realistic” way to simulate the tunnel vision and disorientation caused by excessive recoil or muzzle blast but I certainly wouldn’t call it

and please note I said muzzle blast not muzzle flash. A flash is like a brief flare of light and blast is a sudden burst of gas that might be felt close by or heard from a distance.


It would decrease skill level and give even more room to abuse third person

That doesn’t even make sense…


Yes, it does

No, it doesn’t.


motion blur.


You see, in Unturned purchased skill levels are shown as green lines, and if these lines were allowed to blur together, they would essentially become a single line, meaning the player only has a single level of that skill.

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Yeah chief i don’t think me shooting my target then going blind would be productive.
Counter productive really, you would want to see your target clearly.

so i don’t think we should have this in UII

You dont provide any arguements, it only doesnt make sense because you are a fan of third person

If this blur was added in the middle of the screen from a gun when you shoot, you couldnt see what you are shooting at, especially in longer ranges or when the target is moving, meaning you have to randomly shoot and hope that you are still shooting your target, you dont have to adjust your aim precisely or be accurate. What sense does it make to place a blur on your screen when you are shooting anyways…

The reason why third person could be abused even more is because if you go into third person, there will be NO blur effect, meaning you can shoot and SEE your target! This on top of abusing the camera angles to see trough walls and other things, it gives third person more room to abuse it.

Do you understand?

Literally the exact opposite of what’s being suggested.

Radial blur makes everything, but the center of the blurring unclear, and circular blur leaves the center more or less untouched.

OP finds it aesthetically pleasing, though I could only agree if this blur was only part of a whole suite of filters and visual effects to make the game photo-realistic (but it is hard for me to even keep a straight face while typing about our blocky zombie game being photo-realistic.) Dgsonic said it could be a way to show muzzle flash (though I think he meant muzzle blast.)

Where did you read that?

Proper muzzel flash, visible shockwaves, spalling and fragmentation would be neat.

Can and should be mitigated by attachments and/or ammo choice to soem degree (Sub- /supersonic loads, brakes/compensators, gas setting, yadda yadda yadda).

No, nope on so many levels. If you have that option enabled it should be consistent in both 1st and 3rd person. WHy on earth wouldn’t it be there in 3rd when it is there in 1st person?