Omg this has been done so many times, but not recently.
Normal Cars
Pretty much normal vehicles should have a weight limit on them, how much they can take. This and a gravity system the destroys objects held on to weakly, the clip of buildables should be a reconised conection. But most buildables should be snap on objects. Like replacement glass and window armour. Objects should be placeable from inside the car aswell, also moving around interiors and doing things like sleeping in cars should be possible and having storage bags placed inside
As for trailers and stuff, you could place walls and much more on them, walk around in them even while moving and cook in them. Trailers can be attached to any car with a hook, though the vehicle will need to be powerful enough to pull it,
You should be able to add more cars to the train. And carry vehicles on the train.
Blimps and zeppelins
There should be an option to make this vehicle invincible. Or have it be make out of individual sections that are damaged individually. There should be snap buildings on this large aircraft. The more weight though the slower it will rise.
Regular planes
You can’t build on the outside very much except adding snap parts like guns.
But you can customise the interior and walk around in it while flying, you should be able to leave the plane on autopilot while flying so you can do stuff inside. Also carrying vehicles and care packages would be cool, dropping them out of the plane with parachutes would be dope.
There is a huge difference between little simply-done blinkers that look cool compared to making some useless AI that is pointless because you’ll travel the entire map in the span of a minute.
You just explicitly said that autopilot is for people that can’t hold down W and keep their mouse still.
If you want it any more advanced than that, it’s literally programming a flight AI which is almost not needed at all?? For a complete non essential?
With advanced auto pilot you’re rewarding people that can’t fly. Flying should be a risk that only the wealthiest would take because they’re only wealthy because they have the needed skills and are good enough at the game to get to a point where they can consider flying safely.
I just don’t see the point of it. It’s obviously going to take an awful amount of time to program and all it really does that it should do at the maximum is hold down W for you and keep your mouse straight which frankly I don’t think we need.
tbf at that point it’s basically a shit vehicle to use in the air. Would totally be safe to sit inside a massive, easily visible blimp and get blasted because someone spammed their maplestrike on the massive fucking ass of what you’d call the thing that holds the blimp up.