Can you still get U4 access for reaching the Regular rank on forums?

I had regular, rip.

Imagine getting regular from ranting about literally everything :eyes:

Pretty much what this guy was going to do if regulars still received keys

I’m going to be completely honest here. Giving regulars keys is not a good thing, due to the fact that many people join this forum to gain regular status or respect in one way or another. Trust me, it happens, and I’ve seen it happen as well. If regulars all were given keys, more people would try to farm regular and the forum would be filled with useless posts and low-tier suggestions that either already exist or directly stolen from U3.
Giving keys based on gameplay hours is a more effective tactic, due to the fact that players with more gameplay (assuming they are actual gameplay hours and not afk time) have far more experience than a regular player (I have a friend with over 8k hours) and will be able to provide better suggestions or more improvements. This, in turn, greatly decreases the amount of… trolls.
And small children.

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Scratch the if, that is how it used to work

Already a problem, but the mods are on their toes

I’d say a solid 50% (prolly more) of the current U II keys were idled for. Can’t idle forum reg.

You’re correct, but my point is there’s just going to be lots of people who don’t take UII seriously as a whole. The key is pretty easy to get considering you have enough time and, in some terms, patience.

Like I said it’s being ditched in favor for a more sensible and automated method, which is also to avoid people only joining in to post junk until they get regular.

It’s only done initially as the regulars (or just the forums) back then were very productive with UII discussions so it would make sense to grant them access earlier. Now everyone is just washed and any new ones have mixed intentions.


Forum reg is harder to get than hours, especially with mods on thier toes. Granted both are far from perfect.

Basically this.

Damn I felt this, it does makes sense however.

The U4 access really isn’t something special and it’s really a prototype, I think people should remember that because everyone wants access, but why? it’s pretty content bare and there’s no rush/need for this to come out soon.

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