Chain Game Thread

Goddamnit why didn’t you wait 10 more days smh.

dont do a 28 days later joke.

Just keep it ded we reached a 1000 replies

A Quarter of Million Replies

hi a quatrter of a million replies im 0dfgu

Just let this god forsaken post die, please.

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I’m not complaining, more replies to me.

Excuse me

@DiscoBot Start User Tutorial

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@Discobot Start Advanced User tutorial

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Alexa, play 12 DAYS LATER

@MoltonMontro I know, its stupid, but can WE PLEASE GET THIS THREAD LOCKED.

Everyone hates it when someone decides to reply to it.

@MoltonMontro oi don’t kill the only valued post in the memes section

@Codian Nu

See, you’ve fallen into the loop yourself, now you find yourself replying and upkeeping the same Chain Game Thread. How did you end up here?


Are we being brainwashed by the commies to keep going?

Go away, you are the one that wants it to stay alive.

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Hi you are the one who wants it to stay alive, I’m no U

hi no U, i’m dead meme



It really does suck when you want to make a map but cant because you need blender models (which im terrible at making), then port it to Unity then unturned. I’ll see you guys in 3 years