Character model (Possible tweaks)


Yes, I’m going to suggest some tweaks or changes that I think could be done to the character model we have right now, but before that I would like to say that even if nothing changes and if this is the model that the final game will have then it is fine and it won’t be of any problem for me if it stays this way.

And also I don’t want Nelson to start remaking everything if that would be needed for the changes that I’m about to suggest, if they require some major changes to everything than it should just be left as it is.

(And yes, it would have been better if I would have made this topic earlier but I wanted to see if there had been any changes to the model in the combat demo, so that’s why I didn’t make this post earlier)

Why I think it would look better if there were some changes

So first of I want you to look at these pictures

1 .

2 .

Picture 1.
The slim (The slender man) model after Nelson had remade all the character animations

Picture 2.
the changes done to the model after the new animations were done

So as I do think that the model in pic 1 was to slim and pic 2 was better than pic 1 there was still one thing that I personally LOVER about the slim model

Wich is shown in the pics right here

Slim model

Current model

So what I loved about the slim model was that I think the hands in first person were THE PERFECT SIZE, wich is something I would love the final model to have (Not as slim as the slim character since that would not look good in proportion to the other body parts)

Nelson did make it so that the hands/arms don’t cover as much of the gun as in 3.0 wich is really good, but I still think that slimmer arms would make animations look even better and we would see even more details of the gun and the animations.
Also smaller items would be in better proportion to the hands if they were slimmer.

The Changes

So there are 2 things that I would tweak about the model

1 . Make the arms slightly slimer (don’t know how well that would look like in proportion to the rest of the body).


2 . Make the entire model somewhere between the slim model and the one that we have right now, to a point where it isn’t to slim but slimmer than the one we have now.

Again Note

And again I don’t know what all nelson would have to redo if these changes were added, and I do not want him to need to redo everything from the ground and up, I’d only like to see these changes if he dosn’t have to make a big deal out of it and spend a lot of time on it (and if he and the rest of the community think that it is worth it).

And if nothing changes it’s still fine, these changes are just something that I think would make the model perfekt.

So what do you think, give your honest opinion

  • Yes, if Nelson doesn’t have to spend to much time on it
  • It would be nice, but I’m not sure if it is worth it
  • No, I don’t feel like it would be worth it

0 voters

If there is anything else just comment down below

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Your “up to date model” is not even up to date. The one from the firing range demo is slightly different.

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I think the current model is fine as it is.


Yes, it is slightly different

I changed it now, good that you pointed that out

I hope that the model will be slimmer so I agree you in that, but there is also some other problems…

if you look at the arm, it gets stretched out, I hope that this should be fixed…
It probably will, but it anoys me so I’m just gonna say it :smiley:

and the “skeleton” to the model, I Think elbows and knees and the shoulders should have joints that would make the arms and legs and so on to bend more naturally and not stretch out
" A joint or articulation (or articular surface ) is the connection made between bones in the body which link the skeletal system into a functional whole.[1][2][3] They are constructed to allow for different degrees and types of movement."

Joints would help the model to be better, keep the bodyparts nonstretch, and I dont know but they might also make animating easier.

also he could round the edges… I dont mean that he should make the caracter round, but I Think that it would make a lot to make the edges smoother instead of 90* … the caracter would fit in better with the more detailed and smoother guns and Environment and it would make the animations look better… so that the body doesnt go like this

if you know what I mean :smiley:

Hope I got Everything in what I wanted to XD You never know about me XD I forget half what Im about to write down and she…
but yes thats my opinion :smiley:


Couldn’t the tweak just be to the first person view model?


thicc boi doesnt look good in 1st person


I am all for thinner arms. They make everything easier to see and generally look better.


From my understanding the view is set up diffrently in 4.0, so you can’t change the view model without changing the character model itself
If I’m not misstaking

Let’s all just stick with changing the first person model, and keeping the third person model the same.

But it’s still in ze early stages boi, it’s possible.

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he could just keep the old first person view that he used before, and keep the third person/other player view the same. I think the slimmer arms and hands look real nice

Radical Dumb Idea Generator v1.0 :tm:

Or, Nelson could make the view-model arms slightly thinner and the actual model how it is in your comparison. That way, it looks better and less gun clipping, and still boxy boxy uwu

Can you guys make up your mind?

But I agree with someone’s idea of tweaked arms in 1st person perspective


It would be nice if he would use the slimmer model so the guns won’t need to be so THICC
and guns won’t look goofy

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I really wanted the arms to be thinner, I think it would be more proportional.

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