It would be an aesthetic detail the clothes gets dirty representing the durability of the clothes, can be cleaned in rivers washing machines.
That would be pretty cool, although it would have to solely remain aesthetic or go all out. For example, maybe if it became a game mechanic where you might attract fleas and take down your sickness stat, or it could attract zombies. Although it would be a nice aesthetic feature.
I don’t think them getting dirty is a nice addition. It will just be another hassle to deal with. However a cool mechanic might be that you’d be wet after swiming and lose food quicker for some time if you don’t dry and warm up.
why would this be a nice aesthetic Feature? this just sounds like a hell!
Ha, @Pesticide not a ‘realistic’ survival game if you don’t have to do the laundry.
why would anybody want to do chores in a game where they want to escape doing that in the first place :\
EDIT: Why do i feel like i misinterpreted Jpeg’s message
I think that would be a cool mechanic although it would have to be a bit subtle, so as to not discourage people from swimming.
@Pesticide mostly because I think you did.
My character has alway had clean clothes.
And I hope it will remain in Unturned II
my character has wore the same beta shirt and pants ever since they gave me the Beta shirts
My character wears the beta shirt from the day i got it too.
gotta flex on all those alphas
If it is aesthetics only I wouldnt want them to be washable, as you could use this to tell how long someone has been surviving and by extension how geared they are.
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