Nothing much, just a few suggestions for stuff that will happen to vehicles in cold temperatures.
Windows will have frost formed over them, usually over the night. (let’s just say it starts to go away after you start the car)
Nelson has already confirmed this, but snow and ice on roads will effect how the car drives.
Sometimes the car won’t start on the first try, also, if it’s cold and you get in a car that’s been in its place for a while, and start it, it won’t immediately warm up. (makes it so you cant just use cars as a way to stay warm at all times. Plus is rather realistic)
Occasionally, doors may freeze shut and need a few pulls to open (basically just takes a bit longer for the player to get in the vehicle. )
Vehicles are supposed to be high maintenance in exchange for their versatility.
I’d like to see things like antifreeze you can stock your vehicle with to get rid of frost that forms on the windshield.
Antifreeze in particular also has a practical function outside of vehicles as it generally increases the melting point of water it is added to. Concerning automation, this could potentially be huge (e.g. making coolant pipes that don’t freeze up in cold environments)
I have another idea, the inside of a car should be the same temperature as it is outside until you turn on the cooler or heater on which will gradually make the inside barable
I said inside the vehicle. So the feel of the inside of the car feels like the outside. I didn’t read that in your post. If you don’t get what I’m saying, then go in a car when it is cold as fuck out and feel how cold the inside feels.