Commando Mode

Commando Mode would be like horde mode but with bandits, obviously you would have a lot more health then them, but they are still accurate and they know where your general area is at all times. There would also be multiple types of bandits (Assault {uses Eaglefire}, Snipers {past round 5}, Scout {uses shotgun when it gets added[Past Round 10]) all different classes would rush the player in different ways, snipers stay in back, assault comes close but not too close, and scout tries to peek around corners or sneak up behind to give you a nice gentle tap on the back and lower your health a lot. The more the rounds go on the more there are and they get more accurate {after you cant add any more} they could also become more perceptive {shoot/see further} and coordinated as a group, and as you progress they get more health.
I think this would be a great way of developing the bandit AI and could help provide a better Singleplayer/PvE experience when bandits are later implemented


I’m conflicted, and for a good reason.
On one side, this is a pretty cool suggestion, and It would be neat to have some kind of event featuring the new bandits.

On the other side, this is kinda fucking scary considering the fact that you’re stuck in a church or something with these guys running at you with automatic rifles, high-caliber sniper rifles and combat shotguns.
Not to mention that there’s seemly infinite amounts of them, and they’re all identical down to the pixel.

Inb4 UII Commando mode creepypasta


Id like to also mention that it could help new players get decent with guns, as horde mode atm is just a group of brain dead idiots chasing you in a room or field which you could easily spray down if you have the patience. It is fun tho

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Oh god no, it would be in an open area that you could move around and flee back in, around 128x128m, your pretty much dead in the church

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It’s like fighting a war with retarded clones that can’t aim properly.

Not that it matters, because 100 people spraying bullets at 800 RPM in your general direction is more than enough to kill you anyways.

The survival mode from COD MW3 is what I’m getting out of this entire post. Especially the 100 people spraying bullets like you just said. Juggernaut rounds were always the end of me because of claymores and fart gas combined with those massive walls of bullets.


what about sicko mode


To be honest I never knew what survival mode was on cod

I have a better idea for a “commando” mode.

This, but stealth.

As in, any shot shot to your torso and head means death, and you’re limited to a knife and silenced weapons.

A masochist’s wet dream.

All Ghillied Up 2.0

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Maybe instead of a church,a open jungle base or something.
I like this idea

It all started when my unit was on our regular patrol in 'nam…

how about if it’s not with guns though and there’s only melee weapons like baseball bats and katanas and stuff

You’re never to young to have a Vietnam flashbacks

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Bringing a knife to a gun fight

Totally on board with this idea. Also on a side note I am just excited in general to see these bandits roaming or in camps in the open survival world.

Would also be cool to see bandit driven events in the free roam survival. Like maybe rare spawns of convoys driving by with loot or bandit forts.

I know nelson has talked about excursions for zombies, would be cool to see some content similar for bandits or rival gangs.

Even if things go as we don’t want,the moding for
the game is gonna have a lot of cool content

what do you mean a gun fight, they wouldn’t have guns either only melee weapons too

I was joeking :worried:

I’d like this but maybe dumbed down a bit? I’d say they ought to start out with melee weapons, then move on to a mix of melee + a pistol, and then move on to better weapons past that.

I also don’t think they should get more accurate as that method of increasing the difficulty doesn’t really have a visual component that tells the player the difficulty is being ramped up (what I mean here is say in Horde mode, new types of Turned could start spawning a x round with visual differences to signify increased health/damage/etc). Instead just spawn more with better guns, give them armor, etc.

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