Ok this is a pack of ideas with the theme on title!
W/D - Acelerate Vehicle
A/D - Turn vehicles to left or right
Space - Brakes on Cars, Stabilizer in Airplanes
S - Reverse March
Shift - Increase March / Increase Distance with the floor on helicopters
Ctrl - Decrease March/ Decrease D in helicopters
Outside Keys
F - Exit / Enter on vehicle (need Coountdown)
Buttom 1 - Horn / Cyrene (just Pilot)
Buttom 2 - Lights or other special on vehicle like a missle (Just pilot) “Missles as not a suggestion”
K - (Just to pilot) Turn vehicle on/Off (chance of fail for a period when more damaged, Need Coountdown)
Movimentation Inside
F1-F2-F3-F4… - Seats on vehicle
G - interact with part of vehicle like open windowns.
Q/E - Place the face to outside the windown / Lies trying protect himself (depend the side)
TAB - Open hud of vehicle showing damaged parts and price to repair add a place to add gadgets like airbags?" (Just to pilot, this go need vehicle off, time to craft and a time Without receiving damage)
U/I/O/J/K/L - To turn on gedgets like a radar, Gps, Radio, Alarms, etc…
- Shift and Ctrl to control speed of vehicle (most probabily go have physic in unturned a car at 120 Km Hour go crash in a Curve.
K - Chance of fail to evict fugues in change of shoots when vehicle damaged
Q/E - Why not?
TAB - Gadgets a number of slots to place things like Gps/ Radio/ Radar on airplanes etc…