Though it isn’t realistic to build a fairly decent size base in 10 minutes, it would extremely annoying to wait 3 days to do it. But a way we could have timers is maybe only timers for when we want to craft an amount of something, say 10 walls, and we have all the material required, every wall then would take us about a second to craft, so we wait 10 seconds for 10 walls (Obviously the timer can be changed to a better number.)
Another reason for its up is if Nelson added craftable ammunition, like arrows, it wouldn’t be much fun if you’re fighting someone with bows for instance and they suddenly can make like 15 arrows in an instant and continue fighting. So maybe things like ammunition and useful things have a timer, but base building already tends to take a while to build would have instant crafting time. (Or like stated previously have only a timer for when we want to craft a whole stack)
It’s fairly obvious, no one likes waiting. But if we do the system right we won’t have to be too annoyed by all the waiting if what we are crafting is actually useable and not having to wait forever for small things that aren’t as useful/needed.
This is, to me, false. Nelson has said before he is interested in the Rust-Style building mechanics, where you use a master building tool to create the basic parts of your base. Building a basic part is instant, and so is repairing or upgrading them. So building most of the base would only take as long as the player does.
I think this is good, because building base structure takes lots of material, and the actually useful parts of the base, you know, the garbage that matters like workbenches or storages will take time to craft. And I’d be OK with that.
Now, stating this, it seems like a lot of the rest of your post was built upon the foundation (aha, get it) of this idea that building wont be instant, which was wrong or assumed to be wrong.
I dont remember where it was from. I just remember that in 3.0 the building is extremely tedious - where one has to build each individual part from a long list of parts. In an interview, possibly with @Zoom_B a while back, he stated he wished to fix the tedious mess by introducing a Rust-styled building tool.
We can be under the assumption that if its like Rust, it will build instantly.
I know the actual placing is tedius but creating parts is kinda instant, like 3 logs BOOM floor, which is what I was trying to make my post but you are right we can’t be under the assumptions.
So spam clicking or using mouse macros should be faster than selecting to craft multiples through the crafting interface? Why eliminate crafting times when adding singular items to the crafting queue? If the crafting time for an item is short enough not to matter on such a small scale then it wouldn’t matter anyways, and if it’s long enough that it would matter even when crafting small batches, then that’s probably intentional.
The concept of crafting timers is stupid. Realism doesn’t always translate into fun mechanics. “Realistic” games need to take some concessions in order to preserve that thing called “fun”. Having to wait 3 days to craft building materiel isn’t going to enhance the experience or add depth. It isn’t going to make the game necessarily “harder” either.
After all, arguably the hardest part of building bases is collecting resources and you’ve already done that. Being forced to wait an arbitrary amount of time for your building materials to assemble themselves just so you can get on with the next step is asinine. It would force you to kill time when all you want to do is construct a base and store your damn loot. And due to the nature of game, you could very well die half-way or more through that crafting timer. Which would be frustrating beyond belief.
tbh, I consider it more fun. I dont know why everyone dislikes it so much…
For one, doesnt everyone want the game to actually be harder? I see a whole bunch of people disagreeing with a game mechanic specifically because they dislike it, rather than it being practical for a survival game.
Okay know what, since theres seems to be some confusion, heres the idea for crafting timers we have…
Say you make 30 arrows, it would take 1-2 seconds per arrow, making it take a minute or 2 to craft them all, meanwhile you can do other things in the game (Walking around, killing zombies, putting on clothes, ect)
It wouldnt take DAYS, it would only take a few minutes.,… Play 7 Days to Die and you will have a general idea of how this would work.
added it after in an edit, just decided to quote it in case you didnt see it when I edited.
So you are saying you would be fine with people refilling every mag in their inventory almost instantly if they run out during a gunfight, and because of that they have several hundred more bullets to easily kill the other person with?