Custom Store - Server Monetization

I made my own Store for my Unturned servers. The website have his own currency which you can buy for real money. You can then buy Rank, Tags and other stuff.

Selling ranks, kits, unlocks, benefits, etc. available permanently or for the duration of the monthly subscription.

I want to sell Money and Ranks as a monthly subscription. I saw that already on a few servers. The subscription will be handled by my system. Which means, if the user don’t have enough web currency then the subscription automatically ends. The user can also change autorenewal on or off.

Is this against the Server Hosting Rules?


I want to sell Money and Ranks as a monthly subscription

You are not allowed to sell in game currency. If you make it as a Monthly subscription it would be categorized as a loophole.
But yes you’re currently allowed to have a wallet on your webshop where you transfer money to and then use on goods like ranks or tags.

SHR says:
Examples of banned monetization:

  • Selling currency.
  • Selling ranks, kits, unlocks, benefits, etc. which stack with themselves as a loophole.
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