Destructible houses

This was most likely mentioned but need to see if this will be a good or bad addition to the game.
So basically houses and smaller buildings can be destroyed with tanks,planes, and rockets. Bigger buildings cannot be destroyed.


Major performance deprivation.


That was only made using nelsons model. That isn’t official.

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That’s true.

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It is very hard to do and can cause lag. And it is hard to do since there’s navmeshes

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WhAt aBoUt Decaying buildings over time?

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oMG GooD IDeA!!!11

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What I’d like to see are semi-destructible areas like the ones in R6S.

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Would be cool to see and would add a lot more pvp aspects!

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uplinking message…

this is shit and my pc would burn ablaze

message sent!


The ones getting destroyed if this get’s added will not be the builings,but our computers.
No hate but seriously…

But to be honest some smaller scale destruction (fences,door’s etc.) would be nice.

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yea u right

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