Dino komi


I see art, I give heart.


Can’t wait for the next meteorite.


lucky for you, a meteor has a 2.7% chance of hitting us in the near future

also lucky for you it will kill all of us

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Is it a meteor or an asteroid you’re talking about?
A meteor is the thing that will burn up in the atmosphere, maybe break a few windows if it’s big enough.
An asteroid is the sort of thing that will cause some damage. Of course, you’re talking about an asteroid killing the human race. If birds and fish were able to survive the asteroid that hit at the end of the mesozoic era, You’d bet the most advanced species on the planet, maybe even in the solar system could survive such an event.


Too bad, I’d be standing outside

oh alright well then an asteroid

I’m no biologist, but fish or birds wouldn’t survive.
The Asteroid would most likely end everything but small organisms underground. This would most likely kill all fish as the ocean acidity levels would rise. After Collision, The earth would get covered with thick ash preventing the sun from shining light which turn prevents photosynthesis, which in turn kills off most of the bugs and eventually killing birds as their bug food is gone or there is a limited amount of it remaining.

I’m no biologist either, but I’m very sure that at least birds survived it.

Yes, but there are many organisms that can thrive without photosynthesis. After the impact, the death of most animals on earth would provide an abundant source of food to biodegraders, which are also provide food to birds.

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but what if i AM the asteroid

I forgot about detrivore’s

Fuck asteroids, if we get start a nuclear war the resulting nuclear winter will wipe out all existing life on the planet.

Except the tardigrades, because, well…
It would take a dose of radiation strong enough to kill a human, but 1,100 times that to even get past a tardigrade’s immune system.
5 Tsar Bombas can’t stop them. If an asteroid comes, they’ll live on the asteroid.

Humans are retarded.

dont mind me regular 4chan browser

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i would like to make one comment

you’re not wrong

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