No this is about all noise in general, guns being a common noise maker in unturned.
Now I don’t want to go full quiet place in unturned so put sum brains into your comment about this would ruin pvp it wouldn’t, it would only discourage it. Noise is danger
Any thing that makes noise could attract zombies, this would discourage guns and loud vehicles. Now, this would only be a issue in certain areas. Now I had a idea about different areas in the map affecting gameplay, certain zombies only spawning there, ect. Now making noise in high teir areas would have a higher chance to attract zombies, while low teir areas there would be a low chance. This encourages stealth, now guns blazing.
Roaming zombies, that walk along roads or in forests, smaller hordes spawn in forests. In the hordes special zombies could spawn even in low teir areas. Hordes can appear from making noise near areas, and the horde event will start. Hordes can contain raiding zombies, zombies that can damage structures. If noise near a horde is made the horde will investigate.
Zombie raiding
I think zombie raids should occur on some players, depending on how big there base it. So small player bases and new players would be spared. Now raid zombies only ever spawn in raids or hordes. They will look like regular zombies only with claws on there hands. They could damage structures, regular zombies wouldn’t damage structures. Only special zombies.
Offline raids wouldn’t occur, raiding zombies wouldn’t damage structures if the player hasn’t been on the server. But if the player dcs while a raid is in process the raid continues.
I just think this would really fix the gun nut attitude with unturned, where guns are all powerful. Guns would be useful, and still powerful. But guns fights might be avoided and many annoying hours of walking sim back to your dead body to find your loot could also be. Bandits might actually rob people instead of kill them on sight, out of fear of the real threat, zombies.
This is already a thing in 3.0 but was done poorly. Even in 3.0, you have to remain silent unless you’re looking for unwanted attention (ie. Players or Xombies). Since 3.0 xombies aren’t a threat and 3.0 being a PvP fest is mainly the reason why people go guns blazing into a town.
This also applies with cars. Your car engine can be heard by xombies which will cause them to attack you. So it’s nothing new, it just needs to be reworked.
This is already confirmed and (iirc) confirmed. Because Nelson realized that having a very limited nav mesh wasn’t the way to go. Not to mention that this was requested previously by a good amount of people, me included.
However, I do not understand why you chose to suggest a specific type of xombie that is able to raid bases
Well the player would not know that a “zombie raid” was about to occur if he was far away from his base. Also metal,concrete or anything reinforced heavy structure should be immune to zombie damage except megas. I feel like zombie raid should be a setting for the server if so.
He’s the one risking his base by leaving it undefended. There should be no warning whatsoever when it comes to xombie raids. The player should be the one responsible for his/her base and its protection, because just like Human raids, there is no warning. It’s forgiving enough having the raid not occur when offline (idk how you think that’ll be implemented, but let’s just assume)
I find it unneeded to have zombies raid ur base because of noise. Playets would just start building tiny hidden bases like in 3.0.
Though if they only break doors, windows etc down then it would be fine i guess as they wouød simply enter the base and look for a player then leave or stay for a suprise. These zombie raids should not have a lot of zombies either. Better be a minor nuisance than major risk imo.
This is just to stop abuse of zombie raiding, asuming zombies will be able to leave there town, people would zombie raid all the time, plus logically you could pound on a steel wall for nearly ever and do no damage.
Maybe if the zombies went Berserk when they smelt the brains(or just blood, I don’t want to discourage good aim) you just spattered over the wall. The stats of frenzied zombies could be simply moved up or down to encourage, discourage zombies.
yeah, hordes could have a timer, so they don’t rapid spawn and you cant use guns. also its not 100% plus shooting in a dangerous area, what did you expect. (hordes spawn more commonly in build up areas and around them. plus with doors and the new zombies you wont have to kill every zombie that sees you. so you wont make as much noise.