Drastically increase the player base

Put unturned on itch.io and gamejolt.com and you can increase the number of players. It’s as simple as that.

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Yes! This is a very great idea! I fully support this! Maybe we can finally nudge Unturned over the much anticipated 1 million concurrent players!


Their really isn’t a need to up unturneds player base though? Would rather Nelson keep focusing on U2


Wait but unturned isn’t dead or low on players

And you word this like we’ve been complaining about it for awhile when we haven’t


All he needs to do is put the game on these platforms and add a registration type of thing

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I respect your opinion, but please explain further


I’m on mobile sorry

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What are you trying to say

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Unturned is better without accounts

Besides what would these accounts be used for? It can’t be inventory since steam keeps track of that


On the platforms itch.io and gamejolt.com no one has steam pretty much so the accounts are there because on these platforms people are looking for a good for game not on steam.

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Yeah I see your point

But why not just have a personalized inventory without account creation


Please explain further

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The point being ? Millions of players have the game in their library, it’s a f2p game, I don’t see why you wouldn’t play it if it’s not outside of Steam.


Just to add even more players to the game

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He also has to keep track of it, and it would also give more work for the moderation teams. Their isn’t a point to putting Unturned because it will die very quickly when Unturned 2 comes, and U2 isn’t that far away from releasing for a much wider audience. Its better to have U2 on gamejolt and itch instead of Unturned.


Yes, you are very much in the right.

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I doubt the dev has any interest of putting his games on these websites seeing how he doesn’t plan on getting Unturned II into the Epic Games Store

Besides, adding the current Unturned to another PC platform is such a short term solution for little benefit.


Unturned 3.0 could be released on these sites after Unturned 2 to sustain a player base.
Or, Unturned 3.0 could release its code on Github to become a community made project after the release of Unturned 2

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unturned 3.0 probably has a higher playerbase currently than the entire amount of users of gamejolt

and why would he even need to do that? unturned II will be out and it will be way better than 3.0 and bring in a lot of new people, it’s not like he needs to keep 3.0 at a sustained playerbase. if people want to play unturned 3.0 it’s going to stay free on steam, people can do it that way very easily.

It’s not like Unturned 3.0 needs more players. You make this out like it’s an actual issue at all, when it’s not. Unturned has a large playerbase as it is, why does it even need more players? That wouldn’t even benefit Nelson all that much really, and probably people wouldn’t be able to buy cosmetics and stuff anyway if they signed up through gamejolt or whatever considering all the items that actually cost money are set up through Steam.

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