Eating corpses

Will this thread forever come back to haunt this community?

I’m just glad there is no chance this will be added no matter what people suggest otherwise with nelson at the head.


i keep it alive to annoy the regulars

Well, if you keep doing so for absolutely no reason that could even remotely be productive for discussion, I’m actually going to have to pull a good ol’ report on you.

And you’d think people would be able to take a hint by now…


So what was this post about anyways?



but why?
(10 char is a bitch)

I have no idea, just some weird people thought it would be an amazing idea to make it so you can eat other people.

Its been so opposed that there is no chance it will be done.

damn i’m very scared

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Just shut up, you’re sounding like an 8 year old.

Was that really called for? It’s not like you’ve acted better.

@MoltonMontro sorry for the tag, but I think it’s time we might as well lock the topic. Nothing of new is being discussed and I think it’s pretty clear it isn’t being taken very well, nor would ever be added to Unturned.


At least I will admit I have. But mostly in times when im Really pissed off.

But to be honest, we all have acted childish in some way, at some point. I act more childish when im ticked off, others act childish for different reasons, and so on.

Sure. The discussion ended a while ago, and nothing productive has been brought up since then.