Electric system suggestion

I wonder if it is gonna be possible ( like how we do with russia radio towers ) to repair the winds turbines? Thoses could give enough electricity for a base . That would also need some skills

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Why not be able to construct your own? It would be labour and resource intensive, but it’s possible for sure. Homesteaders do it.


True, we could construct our own but repair pre-outbreak would cost more but would be more benefic.

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Hey, it’s not really good to assume maps will have wind turbines right off the bat. Most cities aren’t really wind-powered and Pineridge’s IRL counterpart is no exception. But I would like to see the ability to repair ordinances like comms towers and wind turbines.

I know but it wont be the only map.
Considering possibilities with UE4, we might ( modders ) even be able to create nuclear power plant that could be fixed xD.
We got a lot of possibilities so I just suggested this one as a example of something that would be benefic and stay realistic for a zombie game

A nuclear power plant is a bit ridiculous. But as I said I do agree with the original wind turbine idea

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It is ridiculous.
But well, we can perform this idea.

No no no. You have to retrofit a flour mill into a generator. And power it with a horde of zombies, running in circles for a human on a stick. Perfect.

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Come to think of it, maintaining radio towers to ensure proper relay of signals (ie walkie talkies, radio) would be kinda cool.

What could be interesting is that you need to repair power plants to prevent an incident
Like: a nuclear reactor is in a critical state an you need to perfom various tasks to bring it back in a more normal state, or you can escort a/few repairmen to fix the reactor.
Else it will explode destroying the place and creating a big radioactive deadzone.

Chernobyl, now in Canada.

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That’s all we need now :radioactive:

A) no normal person in the right mind would know how to service a nuclear reactor properly, let alone not get radiation poisoning.

B) this just seems super tedious/unnecessary


Talk about the main topic wich is mainly fixing wind turbines and small power plants. I dont think nuclear powerplant is nessecary

You do realize that nuclear power plants automatically shut down, right?


This would only work in singleplayer as an NPC quest/final quest.

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I know this

Not so far fetched really. Different people survive and in our society why not a neuclear engineer or plant manager? In rea life there may be a chance of melt down, but there is today anyways. At the diminished load such a facility would be running on, who knows how long one might be made to last or at what quality. I mean, few people in the world can fly an airplane, helicopter, motorcycle, car, tank, or boat and craft explosives out of every day supplies. In real life such a range of abilities is hardly found even amost highly trained spec ops but in unturned many of us have the full skillset :grin:

Well I for one can fly a motorcycle, car, tank, and boat, all at the same time. You can’t craft explosives without using explosives in Unturned don’t that other part is irrelevant.

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Not sure what all that means. Sounds like maybe you’re trying to sound clever…so no comment there. But do you have a point? I’m not sure I see one in there.