My point was that what you were saying had little to do with either reality or Unturned. Most anyone who isn’t physically handicapped can operate a firearm, motorcycle, car, boat, helicopter, plane, or tank, provided they can figure out the controls, (which have been specifically designed for ease of use, precision of control, and general practicality.) The community (not unanimously mind you) has asked for more in-depth controls for each of these, which would create a higher skill ceiling. The problem with adding functional nuclear power plants isn’t that they are unrealistic, it’s that they would realistically be irrelevant to 99.9999% of gameplay, and not worth designing in-depth controls and mechanics for. 4.X is focusing on quality over quantity of content.
Thats a very good idea. But I have two ideas compared to yours and the ideas of the other ones: I will demonstrate them with the dam on Germany
- as a quest: some survivor camp/ base needs electricity (it could be some sort of final quest): you fix the electric power line between base and dam, repair some turbines and open the pipes in the dam. You get lots of reputation or other currency (if added)
- for yourself: fix broken wires of the big power lines, connect your own, selfmade power line to it an your base systems, repair the generators in the dam and open it.
Problem: this could get difficult in multiplayer
Yes they do shut down, BUT!!! After a few weeks they would run out of the cooling water/liquid that well cools them, and still explode. Believe me, if youve watched as many videos about what would happen if people suddenly disapeared, you would know. Basically you would need to find a way to resupply it with cooling liquid/ seawater will work as well, if its in a area which has cold water.
That’s not true. How old are you? You learn about nuclear power plants in freshman science! Anyway, there is the radioactive material with slots in them. In the slots are rods of tungsten or Cobalt. These rods diffuse the electrons passing through the nuclear material (uranium) keeping it from melting down. If you want to stop a nuclear reacter core, you just insert the rods all the way, preventing very little electron movement. Fun fact, Chernobyl happened because the scientist there wanted to see how much power they could get from removing the rods from the uranium. As a result, the core melted down instantly and they couldn’t fit the rods back in due to the fact that all the slots had been melted away.
Knowing how a reactor works in theory and knowing how to make one and operate it without a catastrophe is are completely different things.
Initialy, we simply tought to make wind turbines repairables.
Nuclear power plant would not be a good thing in a survival game… way too unrealistic that a randomn guys could fix it
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