Environmental conditions affect light

(sorry about the misspell in the title)

So I was walking to school this morning, and as it was raining, I noticed how the traffic lights had well… I don’t know how to explain it. But anyways, I came up with this post based off that.


  • light rainstorms just cause lights to seem a tiny bit brighter during the night, and crate a sort of effect on the light from it pass g through the raindrops (and the clearer air.)

(can’t upload a picture of mine since my phone perpetually thinks it’s out of memory)

  • normal rainstorms. With these you cant see as much, but still can see relatively normal.

  • heavy rain. It’s incredibly difficult to see through these. With vehicles you will see the lights long before the vehicle. Possibly you won’t fully see the vehicle till its a few meters away. Sorta makes is awfully dangerous to walk on roads during heavy rainstorms.

normal nightime

  • if you are walking without a light, and a vehicle is driving towards you, you can mostly only see the lights from the vehicle


  • when there is snow on the ground during the day, it seems a lot brighter than at night (because snow reflects light)

  • in heavy snow storms it is next to impossible to see very far.

I can’t really write much more ATM.

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Sorry everyone, phone is bugging out. Just moment and I’ll finish my post.

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It is finished. Plus a teacher was botheringe about my phone being out so yeah.

No speaku ching chong

Aside from that it all seems pretty readable and reasonable.

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Thanks @RedCo for fixing the title, asI was tired and auto-correct won’t work on the forum for whatever reason.

Edit: unless it wants to.

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Is a very good idea, if is there heavy rain, you can’t see much far, when is snow at night, you can only see the snowed path, but you forget about the fog, when the fog is very dense, you can see only 3-4 metres.
But is a very good option for Unturned II. It will increase the survival experience.

I like this, small details like this can do a lot

I probably would have added fog, but I ran out of time.

absolutely agreed

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I aggre, every small details count, so, good point

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I kinda like this.

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