Excursion ideas

On Nelsons Trello there is a task labeled “Excursions.” The text follows as this:

Travel to the alternative reality where the Turned originated and find yourself in one of the frontier fortified complexes. Very dark and overgrown. Literally impossible to survive them for very long, so you have to get in, loot, and extract as quickly as possible.

Now, the way I think Nelson is planning this is to have it be a special game mode, kind of like Black Ops Zombies. However, as I thought about this idea I think it could be expanded into the base game as a sort of “Challenge area” for highly geared players, somewhat like a dungeon in MMO’s.

Here is the basic idea, Across the map there will be several locations that only have one entrance and one exit. (Examples could be an old mineshaft, a scorpion 7 vault, or maybe even an odd trail in the forest.) If the player enters this area after about 10ish seconds the gate to the place will shut, locking the player in. They will then receive a prompt on what their goal is. (An example for this could be in the scorpion 7 vault; players need to hit 5 buttons around the facility to open the exit.)

As the players progress through this area they will have multiple opportunities to find very high level gear (Think LMG’s, Rocket Launchers, Shadowstalker, etc) Should they manage to find their way through the dungeon and escape alive, the plunder is theirs!

Of course, its not really challenging without enemies! The turned slowly begin spawning in greater numbers as time goes by. Similarly their health, speed, and special abilities become stronger as the players waste time. (like Black Ops zombies once again) Bosses, more special zombies and possibly even traps will attempt to kill the players.

Of course, I know that some of you are already opposed to this idea, so at least let me explain Why I believe it is a good idea:

Its optional: Nobody is forcing you to go through these dungeons, so if you want some classic open world Unturned you won’t be heavily affected

Can help with base Raiding: In 3.0, finding the gear to raid someone was as simple as farming an area until you got lucky. With this new system players will have to gear up and go through a danger filled dungeon to EARN the gear. This means less naked randoms raiding your bases!

Gives incentives NOT to PVP: As a heavy PVPer in 3.0, I understand that most people PVP for two reasons, either for challenge (me), or because you want more loot (also me). These dungeons provide both, which means that both these parties can have somewhere else to enjoy themselves.

Promotes PVE: That’s right, not only does this give PVPers somewhere else to let off steam, it also will make people more willing to team up. Groups of players that would normally KOS can team up to beat the dungeon together!

I’m not saying that this idea is not without flaws; there are many things that need to be designed out (such as whether another group should be able to enter while one group is still in the dungeon). I merely hope that this is a strong basis. Thanks for reading!

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Tarkov flashbacks intensify


Nobody is forcing you to go through these dungeons, so if you want some classic open world Unturned you won’t be heavily affected

But what if you want to get these without doing the excursion?

You will most likely will come to the conclusion to do the excursion anyway or camp outside and snipe someone who has just done it.

Also non official servers may resent this feature due to increased LAGG

This does sound fun to do.
Thanks for the well made post.

I thought excursions were meant to be a more balanced replacement for horde beacons that instead of creating a horde of zombies teleport you to a place outside the map that already has hordes of zombies.


I was thinking maybe the “Excursion Areas” could maybe be the Zombie Survival mini games nelson was talking. Where you have to survive the longest against waves of zombies. If not, It could be a really Hardcore area for Players who want Harder Survival, Less Weapon Drop Percentages as well as food as well as the Increase of Zombies in the area.

Regarding what Excursions are:

The Upside Down, for reference: https://strangerthings.fandom.com/wiki/The_Upside_Down


Just going to add a little tidbit since most of the other stuff is pretty solid

I actually think it was more planned to just be an alternate area from the get-go, not it’s own separate gamemode. Especially since Horde Mode is planned to have a comeback, which is moreso reminiscent of CoD Zombies.

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