Nelson said he was willing to make the zombies the main threat of the game, however, I tought extreme weather could be the best way to make the game harder , add something against nobody can fight, against nobody can win… something that will just encourage you to escape.
Some maps wouldnt have thoses while other could have 1 or even more weathers.
There could be several disasters like :
Sandstorm : basicallya nightmare for desert maps, players would be able to see nothing and sand would damage vehicles batteries, it could even get inside the lungs of the players and deal minors but constent damages until it end
Hailstorm : even worse than Sandstorm, hailstorm would litterally deal heavy damage to players, break weaker bases and destroy glass, there could be different size of hails , thoses could also kill zombies or damage them.
Drought : this nightmare would get rid of all your crops in few time if you dont make sure thoses got water, if you dont take care of that, you might die, lose your crops, etc… it could eventually start Wildfire
Flood : it may be one of the worst things imaginables, destroying players built wood house, damaging cars , flood would usually happen after a long storm, water would raise a bit and everything on coastline or riverline ( dont know the correct word ) would at least suffer damage
Tornado : basically the worst of all, you could have tornadoes ( well, something wich isnt too OP, like EF-1 or EF-2 ) , while avoiding random objects and small vehicles throwed at you, you would have to escape the furious winds that would kill you fast , surviving would became hard and even experienced players would be heavily damaged
Blizzard : with insane quantity of snow falling, blizzard would be dangerous for naked players wich would get hypothermia in few minutes, all this snow would make vehicles uncontrolable and with the cold wind getting in your face, you would suffer damages, its basically similar to yukon blizzard on 3.0 .