
Hello I’m Phil, and i would write some suggestions and more, you should add this:
Food: Pizza, Tomato, Kebab, Raw Meat, Cooked Meat, Strawberries.

Car: Aventador Lamborghini, Ferrari, Mustang, DirtBike

Military vehicles: M1A1 Abrams, T-90, Any Arillery,

Planes: Bell 206 Helicopter, Piper

Military Planes: UH-60 Black Hawk Helicopter

Objects: Dead Bodies in the houses, Random Barricades, interactive fixed weapon

Locations: Urban Area, Camping Survivors, Trader Survivor

Zombies types: Normal Zombie, Fast Zombie, Crawling Zombie Military Zombie (Has More Resistance),
Slow Zombie.

Guns: Glock 17.

Other: Standing on Helicopter While Driving, Vehicle Storage, Zombie Plundering.

Thats it, i wish you would read this and comment below for More info :grinning:

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Uhh…this is just a list of stuff.

It doesn’t really bring anything explicitly new to the table.

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How do you imagine that? Vane would just split you :anguished:

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Doesn’t vehicle storage already exist?

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Maybe he means improve it?
Or maybe he means store vehicles inside of crates?
Or inside eachother?
Or something that makes sense?

This is not feedback but trying to add his military fantasies in the game.

You can tell because he wasn’t even trying with the PvE part of his ideas


Military grade strawberries.


l o w e f f o r t


R e m o v e K e b a b

How about we compromise, A strawberry that is also a dirt bike with an “interactive fixed weapon” on the back that will drive by you with a Glock 17 while eating a kebab. Oh yeh also it identifies as an attack helicopter.

Your wish has been granted.
MS Paint wizardry activate

Edit: Just so we’re clear, this was done on a laptop


You forgot the glock^tm branding and underbarrel 403 grenade launcher

There also must be evil russians with their 2 famous words…

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Cyka Blyat
Rush B

Most of these are just a bad addition to the game. In what survival game are you gonna beed a fucking apache helicopter and a fucking T-90? Not to forget about the Lambo and Ferrari.
Most of your “suggestions” are already in 3.x such as raw/cooked meat, Pizza, Vehicle storage, xombie types, etc.
And to top it all off, nothing about this suggestion has anything to do with survival itself knowing that the game is gonna be a survival game.

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I don’t think any of these suggestions are necessarily bad, but 4.X is not at the state, or going in the direction that these suggestions would be relevant in. Most of these would be more relevant in the 3.X category except the Glock, (which is kind of in 3.X and planned for 4.X) zombie plundering, (looting bodies is planned for 4.X) and standing on moving vehicles (which was made impossible because physics were changed to keep cheaters from flying.)

I’m pretty sure the Glock’in’ma’rarri is already finished. (Glock’in’ma’rarri means pulling up in your Ferrari and popping the fools like blap blap blap, then you speed off). Nolsen did say he was working on the g19s dual wield mechanics in the last devlogs.)

Not done yet, but he’s getting there

Awwww I really want to Glock’in’ma’rarri some fool. :frowning:

nope, it doesn’t