Everyone crying like this will be the end of Unturned is genuinely unhinged, this game has had a constant problem with bigotry for the past I don’t know how many years and it has driven a lot of people away from the game including myself and my friends, many of these people were very creative and used to have a genuine positive effect on both the state of the community and the amount of content being made. Unfortunately what playerbase has remained is either desensitized to heinous shit at this point or is actively spreading it around like cancer.
The developers affected with the recently revealed changes had ample time to reflect on how they behave and what values they represent, probably too much time to be honest, and it’s not like the affected maps are getting blacklisted or deleted by SDG, and they will probably keep their status as the most popular ones for years to come, which is to be mentioned is well deserved as those are some great maps at least compared to vanilla stuff.
The only valid criticisms you could give is the lack of a clearly stated path to redemption for the affected, and the fact that nothing is yet being done about servers that choose to house and cultivate toxic, homophobic and racist communities, and profit from them. As long as these hotspots of hate persist and toxic players running around spamming the nword and fword are not banned like they would be in every other properly moderated game this community will not heal.
It’s about time something serious is getting done about this, hope there’s more coming, congratulations to SDGMaddie for having more balls to actually face this issue head on than both Nelson and Molt combined (no hate to you guys btw it’s obvious you’re focused on other stuff but come the fuck on)
I disagree, this seems like an almost targeted attack on individuals affected. I am friends with these people and I haven’t felt any bigotry from them. Celebrating people’s sources of income being affected quite literally days from Christmas a time where many travel and spend money is just downright disgusting. The lack of clarity and communication is also unacceptable especially when the stakes are so high.
Honestly, well said, but I disagree with the 2nd paragraph heavily. SDG delisting the maps after saying how they appreciate their work and time put into the game is a spit to the face. The devs haven’t been told what they have done or anything, at this point, the only thing I want from SDG is a reason as to why they got blacklisted from the curated process that isn’t just “They don’t follow our values.”.
Logically speaking, they would have been told what they have done, and what punishments they were to recieve, I’d rather put my trust on a official developer for the game rather than on someone that said “Just got assfucked #HordeBeacon” on a social media platform with their name connected to the curated content they do
People need to make money to survive, dont condescend to people whove had their livelihoods ripped away the week before christmas, they deserved all the pay they recieved for the content they made
should’ve checked themselves then, in most other jobs you also get kicked out for this type of behavior, besides they still get their usual share, just no links from official pages but people will still buy the cosmetics bc they’re tacticool
Do they deserve that money?
Yeah, they do. Should that be your only source of income? No, probably no. Hell chances are it wasn’t enough to live off anyway.
A Private Company isnt forced to give out private information given to specific people affected by the punishments of their own actions…
If you’re believing someone who used to follow nsfw accounts and actively retweet their arts / contents whilst also tweeting about development updates. do so as you wish, but the pure cold facts are infront of your eyes and i’m confident i’ve given you every piece of public information we have
Why are you bringing feelings now when the original counterpoint i gave was trust? i can easly fake numerous posts about me being extremely sad or suicidal because my content in a game got removed. i can guilt trip you extremely easly without any issues coming my way, but that would be because im not an entire game company, and lying wont ruin my reputation as much, but sdg is a private company and nelson sexton, the owner of sdg would basically do a skydive with his reputation if he made up such a big lie no?
Logically speaking, nelson would want to keep his trust, no, HE WANTS to keep his trust, he wouldnt reasonably do something like this, because he doesnt want to ruin the game and the (good side of) community that he worked so hard to grow, i think you’re just blindly obsessed with trying to always be on the right side, Younus, You cant accept being wrong.