During shootouts and fights with zombies the adrenaline bar rises when you fill you can use to do melee weapons . “finalization” (because if it is mega zombies or player well equipped with vests and helmets the damage will still be great but will not kill instantly), holding the right mouse button for a long time and then releasing generates the finish, 100% damage to the head of a player without a helmet, 70% on the body without equipment, 65% on the arms and legs, in case you die you will go lose the bar full of adrenaline and the end, after the combat the adrenaline bar gradually descends, the end consumes 70% of the bar that indicates the energy of the body.
This suggestion is just for melee combat, right?
That’s why I highlighted white weapons (in Brazil means: knives, swords, batons and etc.).
My ultimate is ready
You do know that the player survivor isn’t some heroised fighter with special power ups, yes?
In reality, when adrenaline reaches a certain level, it releases 100% of our body’s capacity (varies from person to person), so the strength of the ending will also depend on the skills.
It is not a super power is a mechanism of defense of the body and no it is not “realism for the sake of realism is bad” since we will have to face so many natural hazards nothing more just than we have our mechanisms of defense of the human body.
By the way, melee will be reworked so that you need to hold down the primary mouse key to do a power attack.
So pretty much it is already planned except it consumes stamina instead of requiring from this weird ‘Adrenaline’ bar
So there it is! Finishing uses the energy bar the full adrenaline bar just serves to make the attack possible.
finish him
While it’s true that adrenaline contributes to the phenomenon known as “hysterical strength”, along with many other things, it’s something that is completely out of conscious control of the human. Things like hysterical strength only really happen in immediate life or death situations. It’s not something that really can just get “stored up” in some arbitrary mechanic such as a “adrenaline bar”, and then be used to one’s whim and fancy. It doesn’t really make all that sense to have some “finisher” move, especially when half the time fights rarely seem to take long enough to make use of something like that.
Theirs 2 things i want to point out, if you lost all the Adrenaline and stamina, you need to heal, and quickly run. You’ll be tired out and unable to go somewhere. Now of course theirs option 2, where if you use your adrenaline, you’ll be tired but lose your Stamina quicker. So no matter what way you put it, you’ll be tired either way.
It depends on the right body part I called finalization because it kills any civilian zombie with a blow to the head, another thing if there was the adrenaline bar any attack or shooting would give this ability although no one will pick up a knife and go out against an opponent that has a rifle, but the zombies would no longer be a challenge after the confrontation with zombies or the end of the shooting the adrenaline bar is at 0% since the danger passed (this I said is also in the post).
I just said that adrenaline makes the attack possible but consumes the energy bar normally.
this topic is confusing
I agree with you @Pesticide
Your the one who made it
The others have already pointed out the counterintuitive behaviour of this system.
I personally find it blatantly OP, as well as being unrealistic (you don’t just choose when your adrenaline rushes in real life either)
Here’s a better rework:
Melee damage increases and stamina regenerates much faster only when the player is engaged in close combat and has been struck down to 10% health. As a result, there is not only grayscale but also a certain amount of screen blur and sight sway for all ranged weapons.
Huh, after reading all of this it just made me think about stamina damaging attacks. I hope that hasn’t already been made into a topic.