Flak Turrets/Mounted Guns

I think that when you enter a military base/survivor camp etc, there should be gun turrets of various kinds that you can fix with scrap metal/blowtorches, and can be used to defend the area if you fortify it or make it into your own base.

It would also be cool to make makeshift mounted guns yourself (with a machine gun and scrap metal and buildables). These could be mounted on military vehicles or pickup trucks, and you could make it into an armed vehicle.

These could also spawn randomly on military vehicles (on humvees, jeeps, troop carriers/APC’s, and utility trucks of various kinds). A missile turret would be built onto tanks, of course.

Categorized to Unturned II because thats what it is.

I don’t think that they should spawn in Military bases or survivor camps, considering people would just make a rush to get a great weapon.

Since UII is going to be highly moddable, I think it would be also cool to put literally any item on a tripod.

Fear my tripod mounted knife!



more precise stabbing :ok_hand: @Pork

When I first read the title, I thought it said,
Fuck Turrents
Molested Guns

that would be amazing lol

now you can see who you will stab from a distance

you see ivan

To be honest, a simple M2 machinegun that you can place in your base would be nice.
The rest is up to the modders. It will just be better as the code/logic for the M2 HMG is allready in the game so it would be easier for modders to make more heavy gun emplacements with few changes to code.
Same with vehicles, I don’t think there should be tanks in the base game no, a BTR 60/70 or 80 would be fine. This would also allow modders to make tanks, attack helis, you name it out from the code much faster. Though this is not a requirement like it was in 3.x because in UE4 you can just make your own scripts and code, but it would be much easier for the modders if it was allready built in.


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