If there are things that can fly they should be big floating things that aren’t a direct threat. Maybe they could be “spotters” for hordes and things, so there is a dynamic when you see/hear them you would have to hide until it passes, or something that converts animals into turned in the woods.
only would want them on the “turned dimension”.
i would rather have these be rare enemies instead of something as common as the flanker
Flying zombies=A no from me
But flying enemies other than zombies
would be really nice to see
A better idea would be zomified birds. Like 7 Days’s vultures. But add a few more, like other large birds. Bit flying zombies? No.
Sorry I revived this BTW. Just thought of it now after a comment of redcomms
So basically this clip from a 1963 movie.
Im guessing the one that was mentioned earlier? yes. I also forgot that they had already suggested birds here as well so… yeah
I don’t want flying enemy types because they cause lots of balancing issues
For example your sneaking past a horde when suddenly a flying zombie spots you, also highly annoying for a flying enemy to inturupt a pvp fight.
But I do like the idea of being attack from above by a kind of roof top zombie like the licker dude from left for dead, you can still stealth/sneak around this enemy type but an actual flying enemy type would be annoying.
It could be rare, or else appear only during the hordes, or perhaps the full moon. Chances are many not to let a very overpowered enemy.
Im fine with that. We really dont give a crap about pvp here broski, if you remembered that.
Its not very overpowered, it would probably just take you by surprise (Well, if it was the birds rather than the Dumb “Zombie with wings” idea) and be a minor inconvenience.
That was the idea I was thinking of when I wrote the answer.But I could not convey it very well.
I am completely in favor of a flying enemy like a bird.
its not that dumb its just a mutated flying zombie very coomon in movies and games …
‘‘very common’’ pulls out a picture of 80s lookin movie.
what ever bro …
Yes would be nice, but like other people says too I would not like to see a flying zombie person… I’d rather see a zombie bat or other animal, you know. Like a mutated bird and so
id rather see flying bat than an actual flying zombie too …
I’m not sure how much room for flying there would be in “one of the fortified frontier complexes,” but I agree with the principle of limiting where these monsters would fly around.
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