the title is very auto explanation my suggestions are
- A option friendly fire On/Off in servers
the title is very auto explanation my suggestions are
Simple but sensible.
I’d like this better on 3.0 to be honest.
This should be applied. The important question is how it will affect groups and reputation system… It would be an interesting experiment.
what if people could select if they want to be able to be killable or not? like gta v? so basically you can make it so you cant be touched by anyone unless you have it enabled? I dunno play gta v and you will understand.
That sounds really counterintuitive. Who in the right mind would intentionally allow an option that could cause their death?
there is an issue with hacking on battleye free servers with no admins/staff on,
Pretty sure that would entirely ruin the game. Not even exaggerating this, it would literally mean that people would randomly be like: “Sorry man, i don’t want to be shot right now. Like… ever.”
Yeah… imangin’ people in the same team kept killing each other to farm that villain rep.
But then again you can still do that without the friendly fire so…
Ok then.
AJ, the way you described it has zero application in a survival game. I guess what it should be is that easy mode has no friendly fire and name tags (like in 3.0 now), normal mode hass friendly fire and name tags, but you can only see the name tag when you are in direct sight line of the person. Hard mode should have no name tags and friendly fire.
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